Thursday 2 May 2013

Here Comes The Boom

Sometimes life is really a challenge and at the moment it feels like life is standing around each corner with a plank of 2 by 4 ready to smack me in the face at every single opportunity.  Well screw you life!  I've never been the type of girl to give in and I don't intend to start now.  

Let me break it down for you...


Basically I have none.  My bank account is in an eternal state of 'overdraft' so essentially not only do I not have money, but the cash I do have is already someone elses.  While I only own one credit card and I have less than £100 on there, the bills are rolling in. 
  • I clearly decided I needed to be 'too warm' over the winter months and  so despite paying a hefty set amount to my energy supplier every month as this has previously enabled me to keep a rolling credit, this time around I actually owe them money.  The same goes for lighting... apparently my dislike of living in the dark is an expensive one.
  • My car swallowed my entire bonus and despite an unexpected gesture from my brother who covered the entire cost of one repair, I am still in the land of 'recovery' and need to find another £400 I don't have to clear the insurance.
  • Bridesmaid duties are stealing my cash and my time and due to a change in plans by Herb and bridesmaid #2, rather than them come here next month I now need to visit them again so hello to 2 flights, 4 bus tickets, 4 train tickets and the other chunk of cash I will need to be all 'ooo weddings'.  The hen weekend deposits, etc have also been a challenge.
So enough of that... I have no cash.  You've got it.  Simples.


I've no idea where my head is at with Cherry.  
  • Last week we hadn't seen each other for a while and our sexual tension had built up to breaking point.  Last weekend we met and rather than go into details I'll tell you all you need to know to jump to the right conclusions...  Cherry came over at 4ish, I answered the door wearing lingerie, Cherry left shattered the following morning as he had sports team training and I spent the next two days feeling like I'd gone three rounds with Nicola Adams.
  • Since then we have both had a mega cold so between that and some intensity over the weekend I think we are both a little bit lost.
  • The company I currently work for is at the start of an outsourcing deal.  I can't say much more at this point as with my position I know more than I really should, but the bottom line is - If I didn't need a career before, I certainly need a new job now.
  • Application wise I seem to be applying like a mofo and getting nowhere.  I'm starting to appreciate that in this climate it isn't WHAT you know but WHO you know and unfortunately as a girl from a rough council estate with her roots set firmly in the lower class... I KNOW... NOONE!
  • To Facebook or Not To Facebook... The jury is back.  We facebooked.

Friday: I'm meeting Clio for a girls night (I'll tell you more about it tomorrow), it is sure to make for one interesting blog so watch this space.  I'm also set to go to the GUM clinic tomorrow to get my annual female MOT and to have my IUD removed - better decide now if I'm going to have a replacement in or am going to opt for something hormone based (urgh).

Saturday:  Hopefully meeting Red in the morning for coffee and a catchup then  it will be an afternoon of housework before meeting Cherry for dinner and a gig.

Sunday:  I've work but I shall be utilising the company printer to get 30 copies of my CV printed for next week when I fully intend to get suited up and head out knocking on the RIGHT doors in the hopes of securing a position.  Applying for advertised roles is clearly not working for me so it is time the up the ante.

Here Comes The Boom - P.O.D

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