Wednesday 15 May 2013

Does Size Matter?

Does size matter..?

It is a question that has multiple meanings.  For women it is all about body size and shape and for men, well its more of a length/girth thing.  Either way the answer is always the same.  Yes.

I was picking up a prescription yesterday afternoon and overheard a conversation between two guys in their mid 20s.  They had been at a party a few nights before and some dude they know had decided to go all 1999 on their ass, pull out his cock and do a victory lap around the living room.  It appears the guy in question was hung like a donkey and as such the guys were having the 'have you measured yours' conversation.  To be honest this was a bit of a revelation to me as I had assumed that all men would have grabbed a tape measure or a ruler at some point (I mean I would if I was a bloke) but the words that came out of one of the guys lips next had me chuckling to myself most of last night.

"I have never taken a tape measure to my penis but have weighed it up against household objects... So no, I don't know the size of my penis, but what I do know is that it reaches the mute button on the remote control"

Utter genius!

As I've mentioned I think size absolutely matters, but that as with everything in life, all is relative.  A small penis in a tight vagina - it could be a perfect match?  I think for some girls, girth is more important (perhaps the slightly larger among us), and for others length takes on a more prominent feature.   Being a 21st century girl I've seen my fair share of penises on a personal level, however having trained as a nurse years ago that figure is through the roof and let me tell you... There is a whole world of variation out there.  Short, long, thin, fat, bent, bulbous, veiny, freckled, circumcised, pierced etc.  I have to say though, overall for me, it is the aesthetic element that seems to take highest priority.  

Girth isn't such a huge factor.  I've been doing pelvic floor muscles since I learnt their potential future value (not all sexual I hasten to add) watching euro trash when I was 14 or 15 so I have no worries in my 'size' department.  Circumcision again isn't so much of an issue as I've 'made friends' with both types and while a girl needs a differing set of skills for each... I really don't have a preference.  Length wise, I'm sure there is such a thing as too short but then again there is such a thing as too long (I might tell you about my experience with both in tomorrow's blog), but if you really care for a guy these can work given a few tweaks in the sexual position department.  For me, what really matters for me however is the rest.  I'm not a fan of kinks, bends, or mushroom type penis', large or saggy testicles, and if it isn't sticking to your stomach when it's hard (and yes this means when you are standing up... laying down and answering that question is cheating)... You aren't the guy for me.  Equally if you don't preen your boys bits, expect me to award you a 'must try harder' (excuse the pun) - If I am tending to my lady garden to make any experiences pleasurable for you, I most definitely expect the same in return. Then again, at least that is something that can easily be altered dependent on personal preference.  

So to summarise... Does size matter?  Yes, but not half as much as style ;P

Daft Punk - Get Lucky
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  1. This is a very well written, insightful, and informative posting. I'm surprised that in almost two years now, no one has stopped to comment and to compliment you.

  2. ive read this multiple times thank you for the article.


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