Saturday 5 June 2010

Who Are You?

So I completed 90% of the tasks we set during May with the exception of going on a date.  I will fill you in on how the online dating site trial went tomorrow.

I have a new boss, I say boss, she is really just a seconded manager with a distinct lack of managerial skill, a liking for chav like gold hoop earrings, an obsession with horses and hair that has been bleached to within an inch of its life.  We have clashed horns several times on a small scale thus far, but I can see fireworks in the future so watch this space.

(you know I can't remember what nickname I gave my flatmate for when talking to you... hmmm, I need to look it up).  Anyway, she is driving me insane.  She moved in on the 1st March and has so far spent a record breaking 4 nights in the flat without her bf being here.  Admittedly they stay at his house as often as they are here, but the point being if I wanted to share my flat with a couple, I would have advertised for one and on top of that she made a point of saying he would not be here all the time before I agreed to her moving in.

I had my nephews to stay for a week as my brother had taken his wife on a cruise for their 20th wedding anniversary.  Both are teenagers and I asked that my flatmate (ahhhhh it was Roomie!!), I asked that Roomie not have her bf to stay while they were here.  I have worked out rather rapidly that she has no judgement when it comes to character and despite thinking that her bf is an ok kind of guy, I wouldn't place any bets on him being salt of the earth either so didn't want him staying over.  Anyway she ignored it so I kept my cool until an opportunity arose when the boys were out of earshot and in a short yet concise and non angry sentance made my distaste for her ignorance and annoyance at the fact he had stayed over known.  Needless to say she stayed at his the remainder of the week. 

She has also started helping herself to my things such as washing powder, food etc. (and no i'm not talking the odd occasion when she has run out, I mean all the time!), has paid her her bill money and rent money late twice, clogs the hoover everytime she uses it and then just leaves it for me to discover and fix, slams every door she walks through, and thinks that rinsing a cup under the tap with cold water constitutes washing it enough to go back in the cupboard for the next person to use... erm HELLO!

I have woken up today with some kind of bug, the toilet is my best friend and my bum and head are fighting over who gets to hold down the conversation (crass but humorous all at the same time).  I had planned to go to a free music festival about an hour train journey away today but seem to be house bound so its facebook, google, iPlayer and 4OD for this little duck today.

Roomie is working at her bar job tonight if she doesn't phone in sick (another favourite thing she sems to do).  She stayed at (I don't think I have given him a name so I think I will think of one just now... he is bald but I don't want to compare him to anyone attractive as that would give you the wrong idea... no, lets go for Egg - I shall call him Egg) Egg's house last night and I am hoping she stays away so I can vegetate and feel sorry for myself without interruption LOL

I am curious about the age of the people reading this blog and also the location.  If you are reading this, leave a comment (you can pick any old name, this would be better than posting as Anonymous) and let me know your age and the closest city? 


Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap


  1. I'm 23, living in Edinburgh.
    Been following your blog since feb. love your honesty and open-ness :)

  2. 27 Edinburgh.

    Same. If I knew who you were I'd take you out for a drink :)


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