Thursday 24 June 2010

Date Night

Tonight is the night... a bit late but i'm going to tick off my internet dating task. 

I'm meeting (what shall we call him? lets call him Sushi as that is what he is taking me to eat - this might change) Sushi when I finish work tonight for Sushi, drinks and my first internet dating site date (and probably last).  Its going to be a bit of an unusual first date as I'm pulling a 12hr shift before shooting straight to meet him and so will be going for the quick 5min 'jujzz' approach to getting ready.

Work has been manic the last few days which is why my blogs have been somewhat dull and infrequent.  I think I've mentioned before that my job is as a manager in a call centre?  Well its iPhone launch day today and over the last week I've been pulling 14-16hr shifts in preperation for the disaster that is about to ensue.  The last 2 years each new iPhone launch has been incredibly insane but this time even Apple have run out of stock so let the circus commence.  My shift today will crown me the multitask queen running between the floor, my team, stressed managers and the hub room for troubleshooting we have cunningly labelled 'the war room'.

Yes its official, I will look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards, will be shattered and about as much fun to converse with as Gengis Khan on a bad day - eep!

Love, Love, Love this band! 
Fightstar - A City on Fire

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