Sunday 25 September 2011

All Systems Go

I have had such a great weekend (Fri/Sat).  I caught up with Red and Wonka (neither of which I have seen for about a month), spoke with a few friends who live overseas, have revamped my hair a little and have an entire Sunday for mooching, housework and trashy tv having started my day with men and thighs watching the Scotland rugger match.

So on Friday Wonka told me a month ago, so just after we last met she signed up for online dating on match and match affinity and yes.... also the online site I've put myself on.  Anyway it was great news because she logged into all sites and let me see who she was chatting to what kind of interest she had stirred etc.  

Wonka is 5yrs younger than I but in many respects leads a more logical and settled older person kind of life.  Don't get me wrong in most respects I have the edge of maturity but I tend to come at life in a rather fun and haphazard way which is completely different to wonka.  I'm trying to think of an example for you... Ok I have never seen wonka wear a t-shirt or any item of clothing that I wouldn't describe as 'smart/casual', even the look she describes as 'quirky' when we go out is still in that catagory.  Anyway needless to say her profile is completely different to mine and the guys emailing her are too.  They all seem slightly unconfident a little tubby (and no there is nothing wrong with tubby), balding and also quite well... I'd describe them as dull.  She seems happy with the results though so good for her.

Wonka is talking to maybe 3 people at the moment and her first date next Saturday - she is meeting a guy for coffee. 

Red who told me she had signed up for the site a week ago turned up at mine last night with no sign up having taken place as she said she wanted me to help.  Anyway I sat with her as she pimped her profile and she did a pretty good job if you ask me, quite witty and very... Red.

She stayed logged in from like 8ish when she went 'public' and by the time she left at like 2:30am she had received quite a lot of interest and had emailed a rather hot guy back and fourth several times (probably more in the one evening than I had emailed either of my two potential dates in the week).  The guys she attracted last night were older (Red is older me at 36 although she looks maybe 31/32), or young and rather boring.  However the one she emailed back and forth with is 30ish, athletic, tall, European looking and has suuuuuper white teeth.  The downside is his profile says he is a non-drinker.  Not that either of us are alcohol dependant but I couldn't date someone who never drank I don't think.

Anyway Red text this morning and a coffee date is on the cards.

I've not really been online much but have had a few emails. Nothing from anyone of interest.  I have however now swapped mobile numbers with Date number 2 for next week.  He text me a couple of times but I am pretty secure that neither of us is going to go crazy with texting etc unless we hit it off and if we don't am confident numbers will mutually be deleted.

Red and Wonka have both seen my potential dates and the good news is that despite the webiste doing the whole 'if you look at someone they can see and will look back' thing, neither of the girls have had any interest from my dates which at the very least means they aren't playing the numbers game.

The Code
As Red downloaded some Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton last week we listened to Joline and The Gambler last night and thus our dating code has been set.
We will let each other know where we are at any given time until we are completely sure we are safe (prob several dates in).  

  • To text Joline means the date is going well and all is safe.  
  • To text Kenny Rogers means the date is a wash out and you need 'get me out of here' help.

The question:  I challenge you bloggers to find a photo on google that looks like how you imagine me to look and to post the URL link in the comments.  I'm curious to know what you think I look like :p

Kenny Rogers - The Gambler




  2. You said you had a fringe so I guess this is a fair bet

  3. coffee shop you

  4. I was here when you did the photo swap so I know what you look like :p hehe


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