Saturday 18 September 2010

Sexy Magic

Considering I've been blogging for almost a year now (yes bloggerino's our time is nearly up); its surprising that this is the first truly drunkn blog you have had - that I can remember.  The proof in the pudding is the fact it just took me 3 attempts to type the work first right!

I went out with Red tonight, I haven't seen her in about a month with one thing or another and she was feeling pretty miseravle... Anyway we met and headed for a few drinks in the local bars around here.  We then went for a quick snack and coffee at another and then headed to my fave local where I swooned over one of the bar guys (tall, dark, handsome with funky hair and tattoo's) as he made us cocktails.

Red was on form until we hit my fave local where a guy she had dated previously (a set-up I orchastrated on a previous night out at the bar) showed up with his new bit of eye candy.  Red seemed to dip after that making conversation difficult as she kept going for the deep and meaningful angle with is far from what I need at the moment.  Anyway, I nipped to the bathroom and on my return she was talking to some random fugly guy who was dressed for pub golf despite being on her own.  The attention seemed to have cheered her up so I let her get on with it and scoped the bar for some entertainment... it didn't take long.  Within a couple of minutes I had met Billy (although for about an hour I had been calling him Josh - no names hidden as I'm sure I won't see him again).

Billy was 23, from Boston and new to town as was just about to do a post-grad in Russian and Scottish Literature - how bizzare!  Anyway after a quick hi there and hello the conversation was flowing and we had stolen a couple of unclaimed cocktails from the bar.  Tall, dark, handsome and with a gorgeous smile Billy was most definately the type of guy I would go for.  As soon as Red noticed (nearly said her actual name there), Red noticed I was talking to someone hotter than 'man hit in face with golf club' she perked up further and adjusted her body language - I introduced her and stepped back - if attention was what she needed I was in no hurry to do anything to take that away.

Billy, Red and I spent the next hour or so chatting and when closing time came around it was no surprise Red wanted to keep the night going.  I bought in and suggested a bar/club in town that I knew despite being super crowded (as it is freshers week) would also be an ok place for me to amuse myself while leaving Billy in Red's capable hands. 

When we arrived it was clear that Billy was more keen to chat/dance/talk to me than Red so manipulating the situation wasn't too easy.  We danced, giggled, he tried to grab my hand, I pretended I hadn't noticed, he was hot so put his bag on a chair, Red picked it up and carried it the rest of the night saying it wasn't safe.  I had a good time, I met some randoms, had some chat and kept things on the innocent 'deliberately clueless' level.  Come 2:30 I decided home time was a calling (10hrs after I first started drinking), checked Red was ok to be left with Billy (ohhhhh yessssss), gave Billy a hug and said I was going and left a smug Red and confused Billy as I headed for the taxi queue.

I definately needed the kind of night I ended up with. Fun, flirty within my control and lots and lots of dancing - yep.  I had fun.  And handing Mr gorgeous over?  no problemo.  I'm not saying Billy wouldn't have chosen Red anyway but this way I pretty much eliminated the options so we will see what happens there. 

Too easy I hear you say - well yeah!  My confession of the night?  I did respond to a few texts from someone in a rather flirty manner which I shouldn't have...  Ah well, we can't be all good.

Ciara & Justin Timberlake - Love, Sex, Magic


  1. Are you really going to give up your blog after a year? That's unfortunate. What am I going to read at work when I'm procrastinating now?!

    Did Billy and Red end up hooking up?

  2. I am indeed, it was always intended as a 1yr blog but thanks for the comment. Out of curiosity are you a guy/girl? I seem to have found that my blog attracts more of one than the other.

    Billy and Red didn't end up hooking up, he gave her his number so we could all meet up again, but there was no hot action to report of.


  3. I am a guy :) and I've been reading your blog since your first post at new year (but hadn't ever commented before yesterday). Do you find it's mostly guys or mostly girls that read your blog?

  4. Surprisingly it seems to be, I only have maybe 5 followers listed on the page but have had comments from over 90 people since starting which is great, all mostly men.

    Feel free to enlighten me into why you think guys enjoy reading it? x

  5. PS: Apparenly Billy and Red did kiss


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