Tuesday 21 September 2010


I am officially out of the running for roller derby, having totally screwed my back by compressing disks and discloating my shoulder/trapping a nerve I'm in no fit state to continue with training this intake.  :(   I'm suuuuuper sad, but am going nto just use the time between now and January when the new intake starts to train on my own, learn to be a beast on skates and then head to training ready to kick ass; so i'm sure you will hear quite a few rollerskating disaster stories between now and NY.

Today, i'm heading into town with Six on the hunt for some outfits that will make me look suitably sexy, sassy, funky and skinny for some planned nights out I have over the next few weeks:
  • Speed dating with Red, Six and Sally (a manager from work who has super rosy cheeks - think Wuezel Gummage)
  • Girl from works 33rd birthday party
  • Manager night out from work
  • Sally's leaving party
  • My Nephew's 16th birthday party
  • Sister-in-law's 41st birthday party
  • Night on the town with the girlies from Uni
So its going to be a busy few weeks!  I really hope I find one or two outfits speedily as I absolutely abhor clothes shopping as I'm always the wrong shape.  Breasts too big, breasts too small, too short, too round, too... too... just wrong!  Keep your fingers crossed for me  'X'

Also, as I'm not hitting the derby track tonight I'm going to try and get Six all dressed up and out for dinner as she seems to be in a bit of a rut at the moment (jogging bottoms, trainers, messy hair and a lack of vitamins/nutrients in her food since this whole gastric band type stuff).

I'll let you know how it goes

One of the best movies ever!  And a the song... well its because with all the shopping today I could do with an anonymous benefactor.  Money - Flying Lizards:

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