Sunday 4 September 2011

Take Me Away

I need a holiday.  Some sunshine.  Time by the ocean.  Holiday.

I had a look online today and if I could think of a few other people that have some spare cash and AL left for the year a 3 bed appartment with private heated pool and hot tub in Lanzarote would only be a hundred or so pounds each.

Its so difficult these days to organise holidays.  A group of my friends do festivals each year instead of a holiday, those in couples tend to do coupleish getaways, another group are into the club 18-30 party all night Ibiza, Magaluf type holidays that I don't really fancy and so that leaves me with a really mixed group of people. 

The last few holidays I've been on were with a group of guys from work and I've had a great time, but I'd definitely like to do something where I wasn't the only girl this time.  Don't get me wrong, despite my love of eyeliner, hair straighteners and all things girly, the lack of bitching involved in a holiday with the lads is definitely more relaxed but not what I fancy this time around.

Ten days somewhere with its own pool and hot tub, in the sunshine, with a group of great people would be just what the doctor ordered.  BBQ, few drinks, good chat, bathing in the pool to keep cool, heading out for a few meals and a couple of nights on the town for cocktails - bliss!

I really should get my thinking cap on and see if anyone springs to mind that might be free, willing and have the money to head somewhere in November.

You sure none of you blog readers own a private yacht or island you want to lend me?

PS:  Still looking for help to make the initial picture on my blog large again... msg me if you know how.

Kid Rock - All Summer Long


  1. I havnt been on holiday either this year. :(
    Have an offer to go visit Lincoln and live it up student style for a bit but a holiday abroad would be nice...

  2. The picture in the header of your blog of the woman on the chair looks a good size on my screen. Your holiday plan sounds great and I'm only just back from my own! I like the sound of the private apartment rather than my sharing a hotel with hundreds of people! Hope it happens for you.

  3. Thanks for the comments peeps.

    Oli, without a doubt you should go and relive student days, do both!

    Still reading are we Jack :)

  4. all work and no play makes jack a dull boy......


    sorry to hear about the shoulder...


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