Wednesday 28 September 2011

A Lemon Date

Could it be possible I have just fallen victim to the 'lemon law' before making it on the actual date?

Date #2  text early this morning to say that something had come up and he wouldn't be able to meet tonight, he was sorry and is there sometime next week that is good for me.  

I don't really know where to go with this, I mean we hadn't really arranged anything in stone so the cancellation text was for something I wasn't aware we had really arranged.  Also why text at all if you aren't interested or swap numbers in the first place, and why then finish the text with 'when can we meet next week' if you aren't keen.  On the same hand, why cancel at all and why did we never actually arrange something fully?

Hmmmm I believe bloggers that this online dating milarky may be shark infested custard.  I am in two minds about dater #2 as he seems my kind of guy so he is either not interested or is quite unconfident about meeting in which case... why?

Anyway I decided to throw the ball back in his court and have said for him to let me know where/when he is thinking and I will see if I can wiggle things to meet.  This way I figure if it was a polite cancellation he won't text again (although how that came about it anyones guess) and if he is genuinely interested but just nervous or something actually came up... he will be sure any suggestion he makes is somewhat set in stone.

Date #1 is going down on Monday of next week.

For those of you who have either been in relationships a long while or have never really stepped into the world of the dater, but rather fumbled from one relationship to another I thought I would introduce you to the 'lemon law' something that before I met Mr X and was well and truly playing the field came in handy.  Maybe Date #2 should have been familiar with this law, in which case he could have saved me at least 30seconds of deliberation.

So here it is bloggers, the lemon law.  The one and only get out of jail free dating card a 21st century girl/guy needs.

1. In the first 5 minutes of a date you have to decide if you want to commit to a entire night. If not, you simply lemon law them and walk out. Guy: Yeah, I work at Burger King- Girl: You know, this isn't going to work out. I'm going to have to Lemon Law you. Goodbye!

2. The rule to decide if you want to spend the rest of your date with that person in the first 10 minutes.
Dude i thought the the date was going well but i guess not because after about 10 minutes she said sorry you've been lemon lawed and she left.
Hit The Road Jack - Ray Charles (Loose Cannons Remix)

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