Tuesday 27 September 2011

First Dates

So minor blip in meting date #1, the truth is we are both a little freaked out by a revelation facebook style.

It is Walliams birthday today so I posted something on his wall late last night sharing a joke about the shouching incident.  Anyway his gf sent me a message so when going to her page to reply I noticed... Date #1 is listed down the side of her page (new facebook layout) as her cousin!  Anyway through a similar action date #1 also realised the common friend we have and that along with a couple of other things has meant we have decided to delay a meet.  It may sound a little odd to you guys but I'm pretty glad we are delaying/cancelling.

Other than that no real dating news, Date #2 and I have yet to set the time/place but so far we are still meeting this Wed or Thurs and I have to say I am quite nervous about this one as I do think he is pretty hot/funny at the moment, well as hot/funny as he could be having not met.  

A few other people have emailed and 135 people who meet the criteria I've set for them to see my profile have apparently said they are interested... I on the other hand am not so much lol.

Wonka is emailing guys like it is going out of fashion, she was here for a couple of hours yesterday and emailed 7 in that time as she liked the look of them.  Her first and only scheduled date is still this Saturday.  Red similarly seems to be logged in a lot but is being more selective and has a date scheduled in 5 weeks when a guy gets back from offshore (I'd hate to talk to someone several times a day for 5 weeks when I've never met them... too much info being exchanged with someone you barely know for my liking).  A male friend I have has also decided to join the dating revolution and signed up to the same site this weekend.

Ironically despite me being the one rallying people along I seem to be logged in for hmmm 10mins once a day, have emailed barely anyone and aren't overly blown away with it all.  I do appear however to be beginning to develop a catalogue of first dates.

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