Sunday 11 September 2011

Thighs & High Temperatures

Feel rotten today, I've a super high temperature like mega-high and as grim as it is I am perspiring from every pore on my body, not just the usual ones.  I swear I'm as wet as a frog to touch but ironically I'm not red.

I've a shopping delivery arriving in the next hour and so to compensate for the fact I look like I may have just run a marathon... I've changed into my gym clothing and am hoping this will help minimise the humiliation of the situation.

Yep today for me is all change.  I had planned to meet up with 6/8 friends, go for lunch and drinks at 2ish and then in all honesty, just have a really great, relaxed, boozy Saturday.

In reality I am now going to shower 3/4 times, eat anything and everything that requires no more cooking than 15mins, test all comfortable lying angles of each of my couches, watch trash tv, take copious amounts of paracetamol to try and reduce my temperature, and drink my own body weight in water.

On the up side I am loving the fact the rugby is on every morning, hot tall sweaty men with peachy asses and thighs of steel.  My Friday was definitely made by the requirement of Sonny Williams having to change his top on pitch during the All Blacks, Tonga match on Friday.

I'm about to head into work which is then meant to be followed by a few drinks in the pub with a couple of the boys but I have a funny feeling I am going to struggle to get through my shift let alone make it to our favourite after work haunt.  This shoulder situation is really starting to get on my nerves!

I can't just get up, shower, do my makeup and put on whichever clothes I fancy based on the weather outside noooooooooo, that would make it way too easy.  No, I have to get up, take a seriously careful shower so not to dislocate anything.  Put on one handed minimal makeup (lets face it, one handed makeup application is difficult, especially for a girl who lives for eyeliner), and then put on clothes from my 'wide arm, short sleeve' collection, which are the only options with restricted arm movement and a really unattractive shoulder brace.

Yes bloggers, I am nothing but glamour these days

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