Monday 27 September 2010


Soon to be gracing the pages of urban dictonary 'Shoucher' is a newly derived word to sum up the guy who stayed at my flat last week. 

( I'm going to go for word of the week on Urban Dictionary so help a gal out bloggers, click on the link and then give it the thumbs up! :D

My new flatmate (gonna call him Walliams as he talks somewhat time David Walliams) got in ten or so minutes later than me on Wed night (i'd been to pub quiz), anyway I was in bed so didn't nip downstairs to say hi and didn't head downstairs at 2, 3, 4 or 5 o'clock when I could hear what I thought was new flatmate cooking in the kitchen (he is a bit of a foodie).  I didn't get much sleep but was too tired to go downstairs and tell him to stop banging around so decided to just speak to him in the morning.

When I got up the living room was a total state, mud all over the floor, juice split etc.  I headed to work and decided to speak to Walliams when I got home if it hadn't been cleaned.

Six came over after work and we decided to play some xbox, I saw Walliams in the kitchen and he had bought me some flowers and a bottle of wine to say sorry for the noise.  Shortly after we sat down I noticed the futon cover was  missing so asked Walliams if he knew where it was, he said no.  A few moments after he went to bed I noticed a large black mark on the wall - Six went to investigate and it was.... (take a deep breath)... poo!

On the wall, the tv, the floor, the throw, the missing futon cover, the sleeping bag borrowed from Walliams.  Yes bloggers, smeared excrament all over my flat - shudder! 

I text Walliams to see if he was still awake as his bedroom light was off, no reply so I decided to catch him in the morning.  I awoke to him leaving the flat early doors so text to say he needed to come back as we had to talk.  He replied to say he was embarassed and was out at the dry cleaners but would be back in an hour.  When he returned we talked it all out.  Apparently he didn't know what had happened and had not bee in the living room in the cold light of day until that morning... He text his 'friend' (the shoucher) who had taken our futon cover with him when he scarpered the scene and when he realised had gathered up anything cleanable and had taken it to the dry cleaners.

We talked it out while cleaning the life out of the flat - the guy who had stayed over was a 33yr old published author and part-time lecturer at the University, so not an obvious choice for a 'Shoucher'.  Walliams was completely embarassed and Shoucher had been text and would pay for any replacements/repairs - A new £80 futon cover, dry cleaning, cleaning products and I imagine the two bunches of roses, box of chocs and bottle of wine Walliams gave me to say sorry.

Can I pick flatmates, or can I pick flatmates bloggers?

(sorry if the blog for this is poorly written, but to tell you everything surrounding this disaster it would be almost a novella)

The Cardigans - Erase/Rewind

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