Wednesday 15 September 2010


So, new flatmate (still haven't thought of a name for him yet so i'll get back to you), new sport - Roller Derby, New year at University and next... A new job I think.

Work is seriously taking the life out of me at the moment.  My boss is incompetent and the company as a whole seems to be in a permanent state of chaos and not the good kind, so i'm pretty much at the end of my teather (where does that saying come from anyway ---google search--- apparently to do with tieing up a dog or horse).  I'm going to pimp my CV this weekend which I absolutely hate doing and then start the hunt although i'm unsure what will be out there part-time that will work around University and offer me a similar salary.  Well, anything legal.

I missed derby training this week as my back is still screwed from slamming to the floor several times the week before and just to prove to you my lil bloggers that I am genuinely in pain and haven't just thrown in the glove today's picture is my badge of honour, proudly in place on my thigh/bum - nice!

Because it makes me smile:  Volbeat - I only wanna be with You

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