Friday 25 June 2010

Sushi for Beginners

So last night was date night and I'm going to refer to the guy as Jay rather than Sushi or this is going to get really complicated!

I met Jay straight after work and officially did not look my best, however some decent perfume and my trusty eyeliner were at hand to give me a slight evening feel so all was not lost.

Jay looked better than his photos online as had great eyes and an air of mischeviousness which was refreshing.  Conversation was great although due to the fact I hadn't managed to get anything to eat all day with work being crazy hectic and I ordered a large glass of wine to get over any nerves... It didn't bode well for me on the sober stakes.  I'm pretty random in my train of thought at the best of times (as you have probably worked out by now), but after a couple of glasses of wine I was most definately on planet funky.

The sushi was pretty much my worst nightmare on a plate.  Jay appeared to be a raw fish veteran and so I left him to do the ordering and wow did he order, the table was overflowing with colourful fishy edibles.  I didn't want to be the girl who refuses to try anything so sampled crab, tuna, bass and even eel but to be honest nothing blew me away and at one point it was almost a grab your nose and swallow mechanism.  Jay was great in explaining what everything was and was very keen for me to get stuck in offering to feed me certain foods as I was struggling with my chopsticks as it seems the key is to eat things in one large mouthful and that was a road a was most certainly not going down.  The key was to nibble and savour anything rice coated! I paid for dinner even though Jay took the bill as soon as it arrived, sometimes its nice to make a change and he got the drinks when we went to the bar.

It was clear from very early on that Jay was kenesthetic, he tried to feed me, grabbed my arm and hand a few times during the conversation and did something with my hair later on and yet as we said goodnight at the end of my street he gave me a kiss on the cheek.  Either I completely misread the situation which considering he kept touching and grabbing me I'm not sure I had, or he just wasn't feeling it and if I'm honest neither was I but come on!  I went on this date as a step forward and some doorstep snoggage so long as he didn't look like a toad in person had most definately been on my 'to do' list.
So in short, the conversation was good, the guy was reasonably hot, the food was hmmm not to my taste, due to the lack of eating and several glasses of wine I was drunk and there was no, thats right, no snoggage - date disaster I think! 

My Chemical Romance - Helena

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