Monday 13 May 2013


A few things this last couple of days have had me really wonder about the Cherry situation... 

Is this the right guy for me?
Was I ready?
Am I ready?
Will I ever BE ready?
Are we right for each other?
Is he right for me?
Beyond the sexual is there anything there?
Is he too... bleugh?
Surely someone more spontaneous is better for me?
Is what I'm looking for something that I could never find?
How into me is Cherry?
Why is he so closed in some respects?
Is he feeling the same?
Will it last?
Do I want it to last?
Should I split up with him?
Would he care?
Would be be better as FBs?
Is that something he would want?
Will I always second guess myself in this way?
Have I been hurt so much nothing will ever be right?
Could Cherry hurt me?
Do I like him enough?
What made me tell him my secret?
Why is it that since then he seems to have shown a more loving side?
Is Cherry as f*cked up as I am?

I Need You - James Newton Howard Ft. Vonda Shepard
click for link


  1. Perhaps it's just the sort of people I've ended up dating but in my experience once you get close enough to anyone they turn out to be fucked up. The main difference between people is how they deal with it.

    I suspect it breaks into 2 camps:
    1. People who try to ignore how fucked up they are - tend to be very open and sponteneous becuase distractions help keep their mind off how fucked up they are.
    2. People who acknowledge how fucked up they are and try to deal with it - tend to be very stable but are closed off (at least initially) because they keep the fucked up part of themself hidden away.

    Once ypu get close enough to a type 2 person that they share their secret of being fucked up though, it establishes a strong trust and will generally make them more open.

    Maybe that's just my experience though.

    1. Haha nice insight 'Anonymous' I'm not sure I buy your theory but good comment... maybe leave your name next time :)


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