Wednesday 3 February 2016


34 tomorrow and it got me thinking... what's in a number?

2.    Times I've been to University
2.    Cars I've owned
16.  The age I lost my virginity
15.  The age I had my first kiss
10.  The age we moved country and the first time I learnt to reinvent myself

9.    My age when dad had a stroke
17.  Apartments I've lived in since leaving University
9.    Countries I've visited
1.    The number of girl's holidays I've been on
5.    True friends in my life (and that's a pretty great number to have)
2.    Stalkers I've encountered in my lifetime
4.    Jobs I had to pay my way through University the first time
2.    Jobs I had to pay my way through University the second time
13.  My lucky number
3.    Times I've fallen hopelessly and helplessly in love
6.    The number of men that have told me they were in love with me
0.    The number who actually were
27.  My age the one and only time I've crowd surfed
2.    Times I've run for the hills because I suspected someone I was dating was close to proposing
1.    Valentines cards I've received when I've not been dating
00.  When I lost my dad
4.    Festivals I've been to
17.  The age I would re-live if given a chance
0.    Number of times I've been asked to slow dance
2.    Times I've been truly and unexpectedly lucky in my life
5.    The number of times someone has attempted to mug/sexually assault me
0.    The number of times they were successful
3.    Protests I've actively been involved in
14.  Age I got my first job
12.  My 'magic' number
2.    Names I couldn't remember on the previous answer
3.    Times I've been a bridesmaid
3.    People who know my entire life (and quite possibly the real me)
30.  The age, age started mattering
6.    The number of kids I used to want to have
2.    Fist fights I've been in
97.  Best year of my life so far
98.  The year I learnt how complicated life truly can be
3.    Times my heart has been broken

So what's in a number?  Quite a lot really.

Daniel Docherty - This Holy Fire
Click for soundtrack

1 comment:

  1. 10. The number of seconds it takes me to stop what I'm doing and log in to read your blog when Twitter tells me you have posted. Love your beautiful heart <3 Elliott


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