Sunday 21 February 2016

Bee sting

Sometimes things heal on their own,  and some times you have to bite down and suck out the poison.

Miles is struggling right now.  Struggling with lots of things I think,  and I know I'm going to make sure I'm there whenever he needs me,  but the silence right now is deafening.

All I need is an indication and I'll be right there.  Right now there's nothing,  and I'm not going to keep listening to the silence.  I need something back and I'm getting nothing.  As a friend I can handle that and be there for him,  but he said he wanted more.  Why say you want more when it's so clear it wasn't the case.  It's not like I want the world,  just some warmth.

Silence and distance and him putting himself in a bubble and pushing me as far as he can as hard as he can.

I'm so close to being done.  There hasn't been one incling, one glimmer.  Nothing.

Friends... I'll always be there.  Anything else... I'm starting to look like a mug. 

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