Monday 18 January 2016

To Unleash or not to Unleash?

I've revamped my CV this evening.  I now have the 2016 'employ me because I am fab' Ser3ndipity document and it will be winging its way to a blue chip company near you in the not so distant future. I know a few of you readers have sent my account emails in the past with job details and contact names so feel free to dust those off and link this chick up as my weekend is already planned:

Saturday:  Car dealerships and a push up bra.  Yes you heard me.  I might look doe-eyed and innocent but accompany that with some fantastic cleavage and a shrewd negotiation tactic and I'm convinced I'll be able to knock a few grand off 'the best offer'.

Sunday:  Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.  You've heard of Debbie does Dallas right, well this is going to be Ser3ndipity does Jobsite lol.  I've gained my work mojo back and slice it any way you like, I'm currently overworked and significantly underpaid so if I pull back on the overworked part and put some of that energy into 'the hunt', then I should be walking home with a fatter pay cheque in no time :)

Next week it's the local munch.  I'm wondering if I should dip my toes back in?  I don't really feel motivated to get back into the scene, but then I'm thinking I need to just DO something.  Miles made comment when we were talking earlier that he has never been on a date... wow.  In the words of my mum 'what was I, chop liver'?  Our phone conversation also finished really abruptly and left me feeling a little miffed for want of a better word.  I know this seems like a contradiction in terms considering the last blog, but things really are so far from where we were... As much as I would like to think there might be a way back, comments like that make me think otherwise.  I wonder if I would even be talked of as anything other than remote friend if someone new in his life asked?  I guess that's something I'll never know.

So should I?  I'm still not feeling dating, and I can't think of anything I would rather do less than look to find someone my kinky match at the moment, but a few shibari classes and a giggle among some potential new friends... that could be fun right?

This last few days I've been insanely horny.  I'm not sure if the one decent night's sleep on Saturday was the trigger (unfortunately last night saw me back to the same theme, same horrific reality), but I have been like a kitty on a hot tin roof the last few days.  Switched on, turned up, and wearing a halo all the while.  I think the darker side of me was so ripe for the plucking and melted in a world of sexual disaster (if only I had gone with my instincts rather than trying to please) when I was on my trip that she went into hiding for a while, but no more it seems.  Yes, maybe the munch might be a good idea...  

The Verve - Lucky Man


  1. I came across your blog on a forum earlier this week and I've just devoured it. I don't think I've ever come across something so interesting, funny, and incredibly honest. I love the way you talk about your dad, express your love for your friends, and stand by the people you love. For the record Clutz sounded like puppy love gone wrong (and just what you needed at the time), Mr X (Mr S: You might want to look at that ;)) sounds like an asshole, and Miles extremely complicated but I feel I know you having and can see you will love him and will have your heart for a long time. Thanks for blogging x


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