Tuesday 26 January 2016


I had to address someone in my team for insubordination and unprofessional behavior this morning at work... nightmare!  I knew it had to be done, but that didn't make it any less stressful.  That said, after a few key words from Miles last night telling me I was right to knock her back in line, I was primed and ready when she walked in at ten to eight.

Scroll forward fifteen minutes and despite the fact I have now lost all moisture in my face and have had to pull her back into line six or seven times since sitting down, it appeared I had her on the back foot.  I swear someone had stuck cotton balls in my mouth.  My tongue was sticking to the sides of my mouth and I was sure she was going to make mention of it, but I kept on.  'Your behavior is unacceptable and to be clear, this is the last time we shall be having this conversation, do you understand', 'I'm your manager and while you can absolutely question or challenge because that makes for a productive work environment, your behavior yesterday was completely unacceptable and it will not be tolerated',  'This isn't a social environment, it is work, and you will do well to remember that, the next time you stand over my desk and raise your voice you'll be collecting your P45'.  I also gave 'the look' with the last one.  The look that says 'be grateful I adhere to a professional standard, because if you came at me like that out of the office I would have slammed your face into the nearest wall before you saw me coming'.  I must have held my own well.  Little miss aggression apologised and even looked a little tearful.   Viva the cotton mouth me!!

My reward... a text from the finance company late afternoon to advise I've got a big green tick in the box that says 'new car'.  Hurrah!!!! No more driving to work in a goldfish bowl on wheels!  No more spending weekends in the rain, cutting my hands playing at mechanic!  Whoop!

In other news I've also found a job worth applying for.  It was advertised on LinkedIn, and of course I did the usual 'click button' approach, however not one to stand at the back of the crowd when I have my mojo rockin', I made moves to ensure I am a shoe in.  A few emails later and I managed to track down both the internal recruiter and the head of the department.  Click-click-click and a few moments later my schoozy emails are on their way.  Rock on 24hrs and I've a direct line, my CV has passed hands, and I'm pretty confident I'm a shoe-in for an interview.  Boom!

This girl is truckin'

Rage Against The Machine - Bulls On Parade

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