Thursday 28 January 2016

Flights & Forgotten Dates

I feel like my life has been on fast forward this last week, and I can't deny that I'm feeling hopeful and am loving it.

Miles and I are... well, we are somewhere.  I've no idea where that is as my mind changes on a daily basis, but I think (hope) it is a good place. (the one word I mentioned that would tell me everything I needed to know is still firmly missing... Roomie however somehow got thrown into the mix... I think it was a joke??) He last night mentioned he may have the opportunity to fly from his island to mine.  I'm unsure if that is an opportunity he will/feels he can take, but I am hoping he takes a leap of faith.  I'm also taking a leap and have booked flights to go and see/stay with him over Easter.  It would be nice if both fell into place.  

The legal documents for my new car are being signed tomorrow so by Monday I should driving my shiny new tin can on wheels by Monday - I had better dust off my schmooze again this evening to drive down some insurance quotes.  I think I should be able to knock a 3rd off the current 'best price' if I really go to work.

Work... well, surprisingly after my direct conversations ahead of Christmas I think My boss and I might have found some kind of professional plateau.  I've a feeling it won't last, but for now while things are still direct and we circle like two wild animals ready to pounce at any time, we somehow seem to be making it work.  I'm currently pending finances for a couple of projects I need her to drive forward so the next 48 hours will tell me if I spoke too quickly and the pretense we are both working hard to maintain cracks.

In bizzare news, I was in the canteen conducting a meeting this afternoon (yes, the canteen!  There was a distinct lack of board/meeting rooms and needs must), and I sensed I was being stared out.  You know that feeling you get, when you can just sense that someone is looking in your direction.  A few quick glances and I found the culprit... Someone who looked familiar.  

I would love to tell you the sudoname of the person in question (yes bloggers, he has indeed featured), but I somehow can't seem remember *oops.  It was someone I met during my dating phase... ((older, had a 12yr old, highly successful in a company I had previously worked for although our paths had never crossed during our time there, exceptionally financially stable, quietly kinky as discovered on our first date, motorbike rider... do you remember the one?)) Well... I was almost certain it was him, but given the situation I couldn't exactly walk over and check.  I did however find myself receiving a message on LinkedIn a couple of hours later and you've got it, I was right.  

It seems for the next six months we will be working in the same building and are likely to bump into each other on a regular basis.  His message evaded the fact we had both clearly seen each other '...I've taken a contract working for your company and am based in xxx on the lower ground, are you still working for xxx in the building?'  Smart.  I would have evaded the awkward 'I was staring at someone that looks just like you this lunchtime' chat too lol!  Anyway, he has suggested we meet for lunch/go for a coffee.  I've passed a speculative message back picking a little at his new role/possible connections.  This little chick only has one guy in her sights at the moment, but a potentially lucrative career connection could be just the thing.  Yes bloggers, I'll be certain to play this one tactically.  #wolf

Foo Fighters - The Pretender

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