Thursday 28 January 2010

Open Mic Taxi

I put a post up a few weeks ago on gumtree (love that site) in the hopes of starting a band. 

I was the singer in a punkrock band for a few months, however just as I was beginning to come into my own my hours at work changed and we could no longer meet.  The guys I was in the band with would travel once a week 50miles to a studio close to me so we could rehearse, write and record but with the shift change and our availability it just wasn't possible anymore which sucks!  Auditioning for the guys was one of the scariest things I have ever done - they auditioned quite a few people before me and seemed to be quite specific in some respects about what they were looking for (oh and did I mention to audition you had to write lyrics to a song they had written - no easy feat), but luckily I seemed to fit the profile.

Anyhoo I'm missing that part of my social life so I put up an advert and so far have managed to find a bass player and a drummer.  Long story short, a girl I know a little through work came to the quiz the week before last and put me onto her flatmate (he plays guitar) and it looks like we might be ready to roll sometime soon :o)   The flatmate incidentally (who we shall call hmmmmm... Chase which is waaay more exciting that his actual name but one of his fave films is chasing amy) is a pretty cool guy, we have text a few times and I think we could end up being quite friends and no, I don't have the hots for him but it is nice to meet someone my age who is still into gigs and new music etc.

Tomorrow I'm heading through to the city next to this one (yep, still not telling you where I live) to meet some old work and Uni friends and to see a band or two, then tomorrow its back here for  the b'day party of a girl I went to school with - should be a lil bit retro.

Today, I met Red for a quick coffee in town between lectures, I was running a little late and so had to hop a taxi.  The driver had the radio on and at the very same time we both couldn't help singing along, it was a pretty amusing trip and definately brought some sunshine into my day.


Here's to you Mr taxi driver:  Missing you, John Waite


  1. Nice blog..reads smooth and I can't even slag it for anything...keep going and you may even get it published...serious! Pity you're so far out I was thinking of getting a punky band together, good luck with yours, let me know when you put anything on the net. Take it easy

  2. Hey Dom,

    Thanks for the comment :0)

    So which city are you in?



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