Thursday 7 January 2010

Quizzage & Questions

So Mr S came up to my room yesterday and enforced a 'talk' on me which ended in tears for both of us - things should be easier than this.

Anyway, I stuck to my guns and he has stuck to his with a song of 'I don't want you to move out', 'we can work through this', and 'I hope you stay and we will work on 'us''  - Its left me feeling totally confused because he has been on two dates and will probably go on more with the girl we shall refer to as 'the eyelash' - pretty but plastic and totally overdone!

I head to a local bar after work most Wednesday nights with peeps from work where we enter the pub quiz and join in some random chat with other groups.  Its not an overly serious quiz but not that easy either - we usually do quite well and it regularly turns into a taxi into town and a few bars then dancing.  We all behaved last night - go us!

I'm swamped with essays for Uni this week and thats pretty much the only plan for today.  So its hello cans of relentless, cups of tea and fluffy socks for the next week but i'm sure there will be some drama or other to report as I go along - no doubt some more flatmate chattage.

I'll let you know how it goes x


  1. you need to listen to

    stornaway @

    or some delphic.....

    definately a state of mind ur current strife seems tos tem from his lovelife and your 'lack there off'... dont worry these things will change.

    you'll bump into a random in the library and things will change

  2. Yep fingers crossed. Thanks for the link :o)


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