Tuesday 19 January 2010

Blonde Vs Brunette

Well the all nighters finally caught up on me today, I was wide awake until the early hours and then slept through my 1st lecture of the day (ironic considering I spent a couple of hours last night after work prepping for it as we had a deadline).

So it has been a day of PJ love, 4od, facebook, the occasional phone call from work and scoping the net for hair inspiration before heading off to work in...hmmmm an hour

The decision of the day is whether to go back to blonde or not?  In the past 5 years I've been  brunette, chocolate brown, black, copper, bright red, dark brown, caramel, platinum blonde and recently made the move to chestnut, but i'm not feeling it.  Those pesky grey hairs were way WAY easier to hide with the blonde, despite the ever increasing hairdresser bill.  I have a funny feeling I'm going to send my colourist into spasms tomorrow when I walk through the door and tell him I want to change back.... It took him 6months to get me the perfect shade of blonde, I stayed that way 2 months and then went brown to 'save the condition' and grow my hair a little but now I'm thinking back to blonde and the inclusion of some hair extensions?  Hmmmm

No particular meaning behind this tune, it just popped on my iPod so I thought i'd share:  Rooster, Staring at the Sun

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