Saturday 16 January 2010

Homage to Orange Rockstar

Motivate, motivate, motivate!

Having slept in due to a terrible nights sleep about snakes, spiders and all sorts of creepy crawlys (I should probably try to google that online); i'm currently gulping down a cup of coffee that the guys from friends would shy away from and giving myself an internal 'good talking to'.

In a few mins time i'm going to frog march myself upstairs and break the back of this sodding report, stress or no stress its going in the bag today leaving tomorrow for a re-read and plagerism submission on the University website.

The mean machine called 'turnitin' which I called 'tutorin' not quite grasping the not so 'hidden' meaning for about 2 years; will then spout out a sneeky little report giving me a percentage of plagerism and listing the sources and matriculation numbers of anyone elses report I may have decided to sneek parts from.  The first time I handed in a report it told me 13% to which I went into mass panic as I'd written every single word off my own back - it turns out using common phrases can also give you a higher percentage *phew.  I now tend to go for the abnormal, saving me any kind of distress come the last min machine of doom submission.  Last semester 3 students were dismissed from the University as the machine found obvious plagerism patterns - maybe they were all just Joe Normal and use particularly common phrases, I'm sure thats the argument they went into the hearing with but none of them made it out with a valid matriculation number.

If I manage to get the majority of this done, I'm going to meet Red later for what will be a well needed glass of wine (i'm not holding my hopes for that one tho), I can see this turning into a night of 'Orange Rockstar' - the juice of the insane.  Come the second week of exam leave last year,  I hit a wall and nothing was going in, I tried red bull, shark-something and all other mixtures of energy drinks and pills but nothing worked until (hmmmm what shall we call her) HQ (I'll explain later), walked in with a can of orange relentless - how did I forget the awesomeness of the energy drink after last time!?!  Step aside sleepy eyes and the inability to concentrate - hello pinging from the walls, and having so much energy I could study while circling the room doing the macerena :o)

I discovered the wonder that is orange relentless at the end of second year when a group of us (4) were given the task of coming up with a business concept an constructing a full business plan.  We all underestimated the work this would entail and put the project last, after all other deadlines giving us six weeks to complete from start to finish - big mistake!  Once we started, we realised the extent of research required to put the financial projections in place and became glued to each other until the day of submission.  We met each morning at HQ's house, worked 8 to 10 hours straight (usually before I had to head to work), did bits and pieces overnight and then went back to the morning meet again the next day. 

With a combination of late nights, junk food and the introduction of orange relentless (which kept everyone awake and sent me slightly insane much to their amusement), we got the plan handed in on time and managed a good grade.  We became great friends over the six weeks despite only HQ and I knowing each other beforehand, so when the time came to assess each other and submit a guideline percentage as to who contributed what we decided as a show of comradery we would include the nicknames we had come to call each other based on our skills/contributions.  We were: comma boy, calculator girl, HQ and I was Skillz. 

And there you have it, a lengthy, chew your ear off daily blog of my plan for the day, the reason orange relentless should be in everyones cupboard, my phobia of the plagerism machine and the reasoning behind HQs name. 


Another tasty musical treat for you:  Free, The Martinis

1 comment:


    one for when you've finished


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