Wednesday 13 January 2010


I'm not really sure how I feel today, numb.

I've taken the rest of this week off work to get the essay done and tonight I was meant to test the scary depths of speed dating with Red, but due to the weather its been cancelled.  My flat viewing has also just been cancelled as the Uni keeps rearranging classes for the same reason and so neither I or the people living there can make it till the weekend now.

Last night Mr S and I sat in the same room, we didn't talk but we passed plesantries and he tried to ask how my day had been before falling asleep on the couch.

Its like the calm after the storm, or at least the in between phase.  I'm too exhausted to be angry or upset, too nonchalant to be stressed... I'm 'blagh'   this is a very dangerous time.


Tune of the moment:  Fightstar, Hazy eyes


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