Tuesday 12 January 2010

Deadlines & Deliberation

Thank goodness all my exams are in April/May and I have none schedulled in at the moment because I think I would have to sing the 'resit' song if that were the case.  I've one report left, due in this Friday and I'm so far behind its unreal!  Tackling the spreadsheet from hell was always going to be an uphill struggle, but with a head like jelly its near on impossible.  To hand it in on Monday and take the 1 mark hit or not... I'm almost convinced I'd gain that back in quality, but you can never be sure the marker won't be slightly more critical should you be tardy in the submission. 

Mr S came up to my room on Sunday night and tried to 'talk things out' as he doesn't want me to move out and doesn't want to lose our friendship.  The thing is, I know he is a good guy and he isn't manipulative, he's just selfish of late - so when he says all the right things, and words like 'i'm sorry' and 'things are a little messed up for me right now so i'm not thinking straight' come into play, its hard not to be sucked in like a curby grip into a vaccum cleaner. 

I've got my first flat viewing tomorrow as it seems to be a pretty pants time of year to find something which isn't helping matters.  The enticement of staying as things will be easier while he is making an effort not to be inconsiderate etc. is so strong, but I know I need to get out before anything like this happens again.  Lil miss eyelash has been calling and texting him like mad so she is obviously super keen and can't imagine her to be going anywhere anytime soon and tbh not sure I can take watching the whole thing from a ringside view. 

I hope this flat is perfect and the flatmates are just the kind of people that I could use round about me the next little while (the location isn't great but maybe thats a sacrifice I need to make).

Right, back to writing this never-ending report...


Please pass the link to my blog onto anyone you think might be interested in taking a gander and keep the advice rolling in.

Thanks to those of you who are already emailing and commenting, its great to have some encouragement and to find that some people are in similar situations and can relate. I seem to have a few 'regulars' despite having only 1 follower listed on my page which is great.

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