Sunday 3 January 2010

Starbucks & Stopwatches

So with the date of my ex looming yesterday I decided to get up early, clear out a few last bits and pieces, go for a super long walk and then meet a friend for coffee and a catch-up - all perfectly suitable avoidance tactics.

Coffee was good, and I met one of my more mature friends who we shall call Red due to her love of lip gloss.  Anyway, I told her about my disasterous christmas and then skimmed over the things going on with Mr S and she slapped some sense into me in the nicest way possible - you see while Red has chaos of her own, we both tackle things in different ways so seem to be the antidote to each others poison. 

The aim of the day was to shake things up a little, so we hit an internet cafe and have booked on a speed dating event on the 13th of January (her new year resolution is to find a man), and then proceded to a multitude of shops in search of new make-up and the perfect false eyelashes.  I found a love for these spider like stick-ons at my Christmas night out, get the right kind and rather than look like a drag queen (which lets face it, a lot of people do), you have eyelashes Cleopatera would be proud of.

It was a therapeutic day and I arrived home after Mr S had left for his date - hurrah! 

Mr S arrived back after 12 and text me to say his date was 'ok (:s)'  that he thought 'he wasn't ready for a relationship' and we needed to talk about our friendship - in the spirit of all things 2010 I said ok come to my room and we'll talk now.  He said he had an email to send first and would be up in a little while.  Twenty minutes later... no Mr S and then I realised... I have spent too much of my time this last year either waiting for or planning around him and why? Long story short, I text a while later to say come now or I was going to sleep, when he finally said he had finished and was ready to come up I text 'night x'  - thats right, he said jump and I said... get lost!  (ok so maybe its not as dramatic as that but baby steps) and I feel super happy about it.

Anyway today is a new day and it should be an interesting one, long story short a long lost relative of my dad's who had eloped to Australia contacted me a few months ago looking for him.  I let her know he had passed away at Christmas a few years ago and we traded a few family stories and photo's etc before she told me she was coming to the UK for a month at Christmas with work, and she was hoping to meet some of the people over here she had managed to track down.  She is grabbing a train here for when I finish work tonight and we are going to head for dinner and then do some sight seeing tomorrow no doubt.

No, today is going to be a good day :o)

p.s  I know my blog is maybe painting people in a slightly unfair light and I don't want that to be the case but I can't vent if I'm apologising for every sentance, if that makes sense. 

For the record, Mr S is on the whole a really great guy who has just let me down a lot lately.  He did text yesterday afternoon to check I was ok out in the snow and did ask me how I was hanging on in there with the cold from hell that has been lingering this past few weeks - as some of you have commented/emailed, he's maybe someone i'm still in love with and trying to get closure on.

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