Monday 1 February 2010

Snippets of Me

So this weekend didn't go exactly to plan, I wasn't well so spent most of it in my flat mooching.  I'm pretty peeved (for want of a better word) as both nights I missed seemed to go with a bang and everyone had a great time.  It was nice to know I was missed from all the texts.

On Saturday I went for a walk in the park with Mr S and we cleared the air about a few things so the flat isn't so bad now.  I am still looking for something else but sense has kicked to find something right and one of my friends from work has just split up with her bf so we might look together which would take off some of the strain :o)

Its only 3 more days till my 28th birthday - bring on the botox! 

I think the next few months will bring a lot of change, I somehow feel i'm slowly but surely crawling to the edge of that golden syrup filled swimming pool.  I do however think that maybe for you to understand things a little more, I might need to divulge a more info on me rather than other people. 

So that is the plan for the next 3 days worth of blogs - three days of narcissisticc 'Serendipity' stories and info - lucky you!

I might as well let you see how other people see me so here are a couple of clips that i'm told by friends remind them of me (not so sure they are flattering) lol

1.  (according to Mr S on my general behaviour)

2.  (according to my team at work this is how I pretty much line up and tell a joke)

3.  (pretty much everyone who has seen this movie and knows me has made reference to 'that is soooo something you would do/that would happen to you' from 2:20 in this clip to the end)

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