Friday 26 February 2010

The end of an era

So yesterday I emailed and then spoke to the landlord for this flat and copied Mr S in to let him know I was officially handing in my notice. 

The landlord was great and actually decided he would try to help me out by offering an alternative flat for one of us.  I let Mr S know and all he did was complain that I'd emailed the landlord without speaking to him.  Despite the fact we had spoken about it and he has been out the house staying with a girl he met on a night out on Sunday since Sunday (yeah clearly a meeting of minds), I apparently acted out and did it to spite him.

Anyway today the landlord called and Mr S is viewing a flat on Monday and if he likes it will be outta here a week today giving me 1mth to find someone.  (Oh I negotiated a relax in the rent for the both of us to allow the changeover to happen - yes thats right, the both of us - clearly he is right, I am being unreasonable and horrible to him, I don't think!).

Anyway, I'm stressed beyond belief, am feeling upset and uncertain of the next few months but, and this is a big BUT, instead of letting things drag on and on i've taken the bull by the horns and what will be will be.

I tell you what, I need a holiday!... So if any of you blogger monkeys happen to be millionare villa owners, feel free to cut a girl a break.


Avril Lavigne, These things i'll never say:

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