Thursday 4 February 2010


Happy Birthday to me..!

So at 21:04pm tonight I'll be 28, wow!   If someone had asked me at 18 where I would be in ten years time, this is not the picture I would have painted.  I'd have gone down the 'good job, bought a flat, nice car, married, possibly with a kid on the way'  In reality i'm still at uni, live in a flatshare, still haven't got round to sitting my driving test and as for married... well you know that story!

Ok so the last day of the past.

After moving location any time the urge took me for 2/3years my feet were forced to stick to the ground like glue when I landed a job in Edinburgh helping to build up the business of a start up.  I hopped from flatshare to flatshare for a couple of months until I found one sharing with 5 others (3 guys, 2 girls - perfect for making a friend base fast) and decided to unpack my suitcase for the first time in a long time.

One of the guys in the flat was from the states (we'll call him Michigan for obvious reasons), he was tall, intelligent, had a thirst for life and a gorgeous accent... He was the first guy I'd been interested in a long time!  We hung out all the time and never stopped laughing.  A few months after, he finished his masters and started packing to move back home.  We'd been flirting around since the first day I moved into the flat and so the announcement that he was leaving put the whole thing into overdrive, I took a few days off work, we partied hard with anyone who was game and a couple of days before he left we slept together - it was perfect!  Not in a gushy way, but it was fun, adventurous and as he was leaving it didn't complicate a thing.  I still stay in touch with Michigan, he is still as crazy as ever but has settled down the last few years, got himself a wife and has a 2yr old.

Yep, Michigan was a turning point for me, after him I decided it was time to 'get back in the game' for want of a better phrase.  Within a month or so I was going on 2 or 3 dates a week, I had a great time and met some fantastic people who despite not 'clicking with', some of which I still hear from on occasion and in fact one of the guys I met however briefly was the person who helped me realise it was ok to take a step backwards and go to University again. 

The next year or so is a bit of a blurr, it was a whirlwind of new people, dates, giggles and self discovery until I bit the bullet, and moved city again, this time for University. 

I moved in with my best friend from school (i'll probably mention her a lot so we will call her Herb - doesn't matter why) and got a low brow job in the run up to the first semester, a month later I met Mr S, was swept off my feet (someday soon i'll tell you that story) and well here I am almost 4 years later telling my tale to you.

Because soon i'll be there:  The Lemonheads, Mrs Robinson


  1. Been really interesting reading your blogposts so far. Keep them coming. And have a very happy birthday. R


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