Tuesday 2 February 2010

Snogging & First love

So as promised, in the build up to my b'day a bit of a better insight into me, how I got into this mess and maybe why I do the things I do... and where better to start than the men behind the woman :p

Just assume that all the names given are made up (admittedly most of the men that have been and gone in my life have already earned themselves a nickname of glory but for those few that escaped the doom of 'girl chat', I'll get creative)

I lost my virginity to JB when I was 16/17, I had lusted after him for a couple of years - he was older, gave off that impression of being deep and intense when really he was just so far up his own ass.  It was fast, pretty unmemorable apart for the events that followed and despite waiting longer than my friends  to have my first time with 'mr right' definately ended chalked up to a disaster.

After JB I soon worked out that despite my regular teenage girl hangups (my breasts are too small, my bum is too big, i'm ugly) I could pretty much work my magic on any guy.  Sex was out again but 'snogging' was definately in! 5th and 6th year at school was a blurr, lots of fun, lots of boys and lots of comedy kodak moments.

The worst kiss of my life - A broken pact with myself never to kiss a boy in my year, it should have been awesome... he kissed like a washing machine on spin dry!

The best kiss of my life - The first love of my life (Clutz) 1st year Uni, the boy from the flat downstairs.  I hated him from the word go, the girls in my flat swooned over him and he was always there!  There when I woke up, there when I went to sleep and always being fed by the coven of female company trying to impress.  I found him eating cereal that only I had in the kitchen one morning a few weeks after moving in and if I remember rightly the phrase 'mummy and daddy might be paying for your education but i'm doing this on my own, so if so much as one cocoa-pop from my cupboard passes your lips again you'll have bitten of more than you can chew' from pretty much then on in it was merely time.  

I loved to hate him and he loved to wind me up until one night it all came to a head and we ended up having the most perfect kiss.  I didn't want to end up in a relationship at Uni, I was having waaaaay too much fun and so was he, but when you click you click and there were fireworks!  We moved into the same flatshare in 2nd year and three years later we were still together, the whole thing was one long first date.  We helped each other discover who we were and never stopped laughing until the end. 

He went to Africa for 3 months and we kind of fell apart, he realised we had grown apart and despite denying it even to myself I knew it was true.  The breakup was one of the most difficult things I'd done and the lines were well and truly blurry, we tried to stay friends but things always ended up in the bedroom.  We kept trying to make it work and both started dating but it was always a fine line - a little while later he met a girl and we lost touch (she hated our relationship and to make it work we had to lose touch), they got married last August :o)

Well think that is enough background for one day!

Booked my tickets and flights to Download festival last week so here's a virtual high-5 to headliner AC/DC and a clip from one of the greatest movies of all time:  AC/DC, If you want blood


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