Tuesday 15 April 2014


The last few days have been very eye opening for me.  The website I joined has brought many a smile to my face. 

As I've said, the place I found to test the waters isn't a dating site, you can't search for people and you can't talk about hook-ups, but you can meet similarly minded people and there are groups for fetishes and likes I didn't even know existed.  

In the last week I've made a few new friends, two of which (both girls) I'm meeting this Sunday for drinks and to plan our outfits for the upcoming 'munch' - basically a fetish and BDSM event/party.  I'm not quite sure what to expect when I get there, but the dress code is very specific and so I have a feeling it is going to be eye opening.  One of the girls I'm meeting plays roller derby (yey) and is the same age as me, the other is a seriously hot 41yr old bisexual with a wicked sense of humor.  I can't wait to just talk!  It seems odd meeting people who I have seen some very intimate pictures of, but somehow brilliant all the same.

Other than those girls, I'm talking to a some couples (yes couples), and few guys, but in the spirt of things and really to add a little adventure to the blog, I stepped into the role of an online sub for 7 days.  Along with another girl in USA we embarked on a mini adventure with a rather handsome, well educated 31yr old guy experienced in the the world of BDSM D/s.  It was a bit of a whirlwind and most definitely an insight I enjoyed; but realistically I have no desire to enter an online/cyber/long-distance anything and so to his (and her) disappointment I ended my taster session this morning.  I'm certain we will stay in touch.  So what did it entail?

  • At the start of the week we were shown three submissive poses which needed to be learnt .  We also had to send a photo which showed all our lingerie.
  • Each evening he would tell us which pieces of lingerie we needed to wear the next day and would suggest our clothing choices (within reason) also.
  • The following morning we would both have to send 3 pictures, two in our underwear, and one clothed (each in one of the various positions). Incidentally I agreed from the start that my face would remain out of shot.  We all received a copy.
  • If the pictures were met with approval we would then be given a task (these varied but were relatively innocent on my part - my sub counterpart was more of an exhibitionist and so hers were much more sexual which she enjoyed).  We are actually very much so in touch since the experience and are still exchanging snapshots.
  • We chatted individually with the guy (D) but mostly as a group.  Sometimes about life, sometimes about ourselves, and sometimes about sex.

The highlight of the experience was a candid three way conversation & picture exchange that most definitely resulted in everyone achieving an orgasm.  I've yet to tick a threesome off my bucket list but I've a feeling that in this new world, if I play safe (my main priority), but keep my options open... I might just be in luck.

The lowlight of the experience was accepting a punishment that meant I couldn't orgasm for two days, but that required me to 'edge' (basically get close to orgasm and then stop) on his command.  It was sooooo hard because for the last week my sex drive has increased ten fold, so when I was permitted to allow myself to cum it was delicious.

I'm still not sure the BDSM world is where I want to be, and I'm not sure how much of my journey into that world I want to share with you bloggers at the moment, but I started a week of sex blogs telling you I was going to be more honest that your average girl, and I figured I might as well finish that week with a bang.

The video below is something I was sent this morning (by means of an 'this is how I would like things to go) by a guy who is most definitely on my radar and whose direction of choice I most definitely approve of.  We are just talking at the moment, but he is unexpectedly interesting and a Lawyer to boot.  Enjoy the clip...

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