Thursday 3 April 2014


I used to think I was 5'6" (which is apparently the average height for a woman), but recently that illusion has been shattered and it appears this 'little' chick is 5'3"... Just.

I'm short... How had I not realised this before?  I have always been called short by a few people, but I've never really felt it.  I look at other people that are 5'3" and they don't seem the same height.  They always seemed... well, shorter.  

The revelation came about when a guy I know in New Jersey (lets call him A-Team on account of his love for paintball) made me get out a tape measure to prove my 5'6"-ness.  A-Team, who is on the tall side of 6'3" has called me 'shortie' since day one and often makes little digs about my small hands/feet, and my need for a step ladder as I have to stand on tiptoes to reach the top shelf in my kitchen cupboards (...but I'm sure they are stupidly high, yes, so were the ones in my previous apartment); and I've loved the humor, but with a bet at stake I lined myself up against the wall to prove my stature, and he turned out to be right... The tape measure did it's thing and low and behold... I've lost 3 inches.  Three!!  Actually, three and a quarter if you want to be pedantic.

I have to say,  I'm not sure how I feel.  I'm torn about my newly realised height status.  

On the plus side:  I love tall men.  The taller the better.  I like having to stand on my tiptoes for a kiss, feeling engulfed in a hug; and what girl doesn't like being thrown around the bedroom like a ragdoll?  Also, if experience has taught me one thing over the years, its that tall men, the really tall ones... Well, they tend to like short women.  The shorter the better.  Both of my brothers are perfect examples of this.  The one I'm closet to in age is 6'4" and his wife... 4'8".  I am on the tall side of short though... I feel I would need to shave off another couple of inches to really gain the niche advantage. 

On the down side:  I have recently discovered that should you be out with a group of friends at a bar (I warn you now, don't read on if you are likely to feel irritated at the probable comparison of men to trade items.. livestock if you will), and two of you both clock the same overtly tall guy, it is apparently (and I quote) 'only fair that the taller girl gets to try and work her magic first as there aren't that many men of a certain height out there'  Err saywhat?!?!   To put this into perspective bloggers, with the exception of Red... Who I am now aware is less than an inch smaller than me, I would always get 'second dibbs'. Incidentally I do get that the tone of today's posting is somewhat comparable to playground chat, but second dibbs just because I'm shorter!?  Every girl I know is taller than me, so that just isn't going to wash!

Nope.  I still want tall.  At 5'3" I just need to pull an Ashley Tisdale (5'3")and get myself a Scott Speer (6'4").

How is it again that I didn't realise I was short?  I might need to get the tape measure out again... just to be sure.

Ellie Goulding - Anything Could Happen


  1. Im 6ft 4 ;)
    And yep I too love the shorter girl, must be a genetics "thing" lol.
    That said Im meeting more and more people taller than me, still feels odd to look up at people but at least I could break out some platform shoes.
    Envy your friend with the 4ft8 gf though, wow!

    1. What is it with you men and shorter women! The friend is my brother and my sister-in-law. You can wear your platforms but I think I might stand in a hole and see how that does me next time I go to a bar lol

  2. you just got cuter!


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