Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Lost Boys

A few of you have sent emails asking about a few of the guys in my past and any further twists in events.  

To be honest dating has been the last thing on my mind the last few months, but I think a little fun might be just what the Dr ordered and so I might dust off my little black dress *ahem converse, this weekend.  Until then however... Here you go:

Mr X
We are still no longer in touch although I still talk with his sister regularly (Evanescence - as she looks like Amy Lee). About a month ago she mentioned he and his fiancée had abandoned their wedding plans, had jumped a plane from the UAE to Scotland, got married and flew back the next day. Needless to say his family was a little upset and it seems to have segmented their concerns/apprehension about his choice in a partner which I suspect will only cause problems in the future. I on the other hand, don't feel anything.  I am glad that Evanescence let me know, but Mr X is chapter in my book I am more than happy to close.

Beez is a tricky one.  I don't think the guy will ever fully be on or off my radar, nor I his.  However, he is definitely a refreshing break from the norm in terms of guys who have a gf and spin the whole 'We're together but its just not working... It's going to end soon' thing.  The chemistry was/is still there, but the line remained firmly intact.  It seems Beez and I are destined to continue our sporadically intertwined lives as has always been, and yet, as before, friendship prevails.

I heard from cherry a couple of months ago, he text to ask how I was doing, to see if I was dating anyone, and for a general chat.  I didn't bite.  I told him I was doing well, didn't answer any of his questions and left it saying I hoped he was doing good.  We weren't friends before our brief fling and so I have no wishes to become friends after.  Equally, I have no intentions of going in for a repeat performance so his query surrounding my dating life... Deflected.

Hazy ground is still below my feet as far as OOJ is concerned, as could always be expected when you date someone from your youth who you will always have ties to. We check in from time to time and 99% of the time its great to hear from him.  The other 1% when there is the tone of 'what if' tends to be something I brush off.  He still has a gf, they are still living together, they are for all intents and purposes long-term and so no; I won't be entertaining any what-if's. Regardless of her however, that ship has most definitely sailed.

After dropping the 'I fell in love with you when we were fb's' bomb things are surprisingly normal.  The occasional text or soundbyte is exchanged and despite his tendency to migrate the conversation towards 'when am I going to see you', I've yet to agree to meet.

As for all the others... They aren't really worth mentioning. I'm sure there will be plenty more nicknames to come ;P

Third Eye Blind - Deep Inside Of You

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