Friday 21 March 2014


I've noticed that due to my current life situation as well as there being many people who are keen to offer the 'oh so regurgitated words of motivation' it has also opened the doors to a lot of judgement.

I hold no amusement in my current situation, nor comfort, and I wince every time there is a requirement to utter the words 'currently looking' or 'not at the moment' when someone inquires about my status; but what I refuse to do bloggers, is shy away from it.  

No, my life isn't on track and yes, I am in a crap situation, but it won't last. Never have I been the type of girl to sit on my ass and expect a solution to be served to me on a golden platter (although that would be nice), and in that same respect no, I don't spend my days engrossed in daytime television, nor do I lounge on the sofa watching movies.  Yes, I am out of permanent employment, but to make ends meet and maintain the balance of all of my 'plates', I have never worked so damn hard in all my life.

So the scathing eyes currently sat in glass houses, locked onto me as a target to scoff at had better keep focused, because I assure you, once I find a foothold (and I WILL find a foothold), I'm going to be like greased frickin' lightening.  You can slice, dice and serve it any which way you like but the race is long, and I never finish last.

I'm smart, ambitious, driven, adaptable and more importantly resilient which makes me my friend, one step ahead of the game regardless of where I am sat on the board.  I'm the wild card.  The girl that if you underestimate, will sneak up on you and whip the rug right from under your feet.  Oh, and if you think once you notice you will catch me... Think again.

So what exactly I have been doing with my time?  Well obviously applying for jobs, registering with agencies, building profiles, networking, making calls, chasing applications, researching, prepping presentations, corresponding and attending interviews.  Oh, and that's before lunch.  Oh and did I mention that I've walked in cold to some of the leading organisations in the city I live with a tray of coffee and cake just to glean 10mins of time with Mr/Miss hire/fire?

I get up at 7am each day, and I go to bed in the early hours of the morning.  I give myself two hours each day to do something that makes me happy and keeps me sane, be that talking to a friend, going for coffee, listening to music, writing this blog.  Other than that, I'm on the hunt, i'm number crunching, penny stretching and generating an income that allows me to keep the balances in black; both mine, and my mums (a truth that scathing eyes don't know... I'm single and childless but if you think I don't have a dependent, think again).  So the rest of my time?

  • Servicing cars:  Something I had done only once prior to my current situation but now a source of income, all be it limited.  Armed with the internet and on occasion YouTube for the bargain price of £120 (approx £90 cheaper than kwik-fit), this chick will undertake the following on your car, from the street outside my apartment: Oil & filter change, washer/break/clutch fluid top-up, air filter & spark plug change.  
  • Upcycling:  I hit the local salvation army every Saturday morning to see if
    there are any bargain items of furniture that lend themselves to my creative eye.  Thus far I have revamped and sold several dressers, a high chair and three bedside tables.
  • Essay Writing:  I live in a city with several Universities and colleges and with experience/knowledge in business, marketing, nursing, sociology and English literature; for a grade-based fee I fire out a myriad of assignments/reports each week plagiarism free (of course).
  • Curriculum Vitae:  It is dog eat dog out there at the moment (and don't I know it), so despite my current predicament, over the years this small-time business has never failed to pull out extraordinary results.  Dependent on your skill-set and employment aims, this little chick will make your resume zazzle, and regardless of the competition after I work a little magic, the interviews come flying in.  Something I started many moons ago operating these days solely on word-of-mouth from satisfied customers and the referral from two leading recruitment agency contacts. Hello method #4 for keeping my head above water.
  • Kindle Published:  Relatively new in terms of an income generator (and who knows how well I will do), but in less than 48hrs Ser3ndipity will have no less than 4 works published on Amazon Kindle for purchase/subscription.  I can't imagine the earnings here will be enough to set my world on fire, but every little helps.
Oh, and just to ensure the sock is firmly wedged in any scowling mouths, I've also become the queen of living on a budget.

  • Car:  I buy my petrol at night, when it is cold.  Petrol tanks calibrate based on volume and as petrol expands in the cold - bazinga.  Equally petrol can be cheaper to purchase in the smaller hours at service stations.  This doesn't save big bucks, but hey as I keep saying... 
  • Repairs: In the last few months I've replaced the wheel bearings on one of the rear wheels of my car (best quote £165), fixed a small electrical fault with my hazard lights (best quote £30), and have completely removed, fixed, sealed and replaced my sunroof (best quote £185) and in doing so have reduced the cost from £380 to £67, a few cuts and bruises and a bit of elbow grease.
  • Hair:  As you know, I am constantly changing my hairstyle/colour and this wasn't something that was about to change.  So again, with the assistance of YouTube and the purchase of a couple of tools, I've learnt to trim, cut and have recently restyled my entire hair all with nothing more than a mirror.  I know what you are thinking:   'probably not dramatically', 'it must have been a trim', 'it must look awful', 'cheap'... Wrong!  My most recent revamp has seen me go from exceptionally long feathered hair which was coloured dark brown with deep red flares to medium length caramel/chestnut hair with dip dyed blonde ends, choppy layers and a fringe and. I've also been asked several times where I had it done.
So. To all/any who have tasted disdain for this little chick of late, I doubt many would have shown as much creativity and grit while still finding a way to paint a smile on your face, and until you can prove otherwise... Put a sock in it!

Bon Jovi - Have A Nice Day

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