Wednesday 12 March 2014

Love or Career?

In the past I've always let my heart rule my head.  I've trusted my instincts, followed my gut and have fallen hopelessly and whole heartedly in love... twice.  I've thrown caution to the wind, placed 'us' in front of 'me' and where did it get me... no further forward.

If posed with the question Love or Career now, with the options holding butterflies and what-if's vs. hard work and a path to progression I know which way I would turn.  

I need to take the time to get 'me' in the right place.  To be the chick who jets off to a sandy beach and reads a book on the beach sipping a Mai Thai. The woman who rocks the latest line of workwear and teeters about the place in killer heels while others run home to dirty daipers and tv box sets.

Life has handed me some seriously crappy hands this last while, and a couple of curve balls and I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I've taken them all in my stride.  The point is however, that I'm still here, I'm still standing, and I'm ready and waiting for the next punch.  This time around life is going to be catching some air.

Welcome back bloggers.  The page might be a work in progress at present, but so is life.  I hope you kept those socks rolled up and that spoon handy, because I'm about to hand you one hell of a slice of life.

Welcome to Ser3ndipity 2.0

Kings of Leon - Arizona

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