Thursday 13 March 2014

Just Ducky

When your life is in turmoil friends are always keen to offer a 'helping hand' regurgitating quotes and offering verbal life anthems.  "Good things happen to good people", "Everything will change soon and then you'll be laughing", "Something amazing is just around the corner"... Let me just grab a pin an pop those verbal bubbles.

Nothing in this world is handed on a plate and nothing worth having comes easily.  These are the lessons of life.  Sure, I mean I'm a fan of encouragement as much as the next person, but when the world is crashing down past your ears and people are muttering well meaning quotes in the background it takes every ounce of self restraint not to twist round and pop said motivater in the face.  POW!  

For those walking against the wind and fighting to keep their mental sanity worldwide I would like to tell you to shove the silver lining, fairytale ending verbal diarrhea up your ass.  ps:  I thanks for meaning well but if you keep this up I will be forced to remove you from all social media and quite possibly my Christmas card list.

However, as with any rule, there has to be a couple of exceptions... Introducing my exceptions:
  • Sucess is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm (Winston Churchill)
  • Tough times never last but tough people do (Robert H Schuller). 
  • Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again (Alex Tan)
The only exception to instantly make me smile...
  • You only need to make it to 34 and then you've beaten Jesus at living (Sarah Millican)
I'm not saying that things are going to get better for me anytime soon, I'm also not saying that I've found a new found superhero zest for life, and I'm certainly not  expecting anything but a large hill and a rocky road ahead.  I can however safely say that I'm officially at the bottom and the thing about the bottom is that there's only one way to go.  

I'm going to keep making like a duck and cranking up the music

Oasis - Cast No Shadow

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