Friday 14 March 2014

Respect The Authority

This morning was a challenge.  I was faced with a barrage of questioning around my current employment status which I would have had less disdain for had the person in the chair opposite mine been A) wearing a clean shirt B) been talking like a normal person instead of mumbling half sentences before forgetting his point and then moving on and more importantly C) had anything of any value whatsoever to offer. 

The struggle with authority for me has always been a troublesome path.  I can't bring myself to respect or give any time to anyone who (and lets use the ABCs again) A) Fails to lead by example B) Is clearly incompetent and seems to spend more time waffling/procrastinating/talking/staring into space/wasting time that doing actual work and last but by no means least C) Fails to demonstrate skill or drive in any form that would therefore deem them worth my attention.  

This morning my bloggers, put me to the test.  I had to count my breaths, watch my facial responses, smile through gritted teeth and count to three before replying to ensure I had allowed sufficient time for my brain to process the need for short sentences and simplified vocabulary.  I. AM. JOB. (I love that scene from Mrs Doubtfire).  And all I could think the entire time I was sat there... 'how the hell did this muppet get a job'?  Somebody give me strength!

Still, its the weekend in a few hours.  Time to dust myself off, head to the library to brush up on a few skills, help my Nephew with his Uni essays (yes... I have a nephew thats in 1st year Uni!! - odd to be closer in age with him than I am my brother), fix yet another problem with my car with the aid of youtube, a forum, and the patience of a nun before prepping for round 2 (*ahem 13?) on Monday morning.

One foot in front of the other, face forward, chin up, deep breaths, smile on my face.  If you weren't reading this... you wouldn't even know.

Dr John - Right Place Wrong Time

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