Saturday 29 March 2014

Waiting To Exhale

I know I've said it before, but music really does soothe my soul.  No matter how challenging life seems to get, the right track can change my mood completely. 

This week has definitely put this little chick to the test in more ways than one and I know I'm far from muddy waters, but it doesn't matter.  One day, sometime soon (hopefully) I will be able to breathe out deeply and let these last few months flow away.  

I recently told a new acquaintance that they should consider embracing a bit of an Eat, Pray, Love respite and while that was true... I may as well have been talking to myself.  My soul needs some sunshine.

Alas, until sunshine is a possibility I will wrap myself in the daydream of golden sunsets, warm sun rays, twinkling lights at dusk and thoughts of the first stop scheduled on my future Eat, Pray, Love wish list.  Florence.

Libretto - Vide Cor Meum

Friday 28 March 2014

Crash Bang Whollop

Today has been a tough one of mammoth proportions and has seen this little chick have her first solid meltdown in several years.  I've dusted myself off with some solid words of support, and given the weekend I'm sure I will be back on form come Monday again.

In other news however it appears my blog is now being accessed and read from a location that only lends itself to two possible sources - Mr X or Evanescence. Sometimes being tech savvy is a pain in the ass! 

So as you can see, it seems after the OOJ contemplation this little chick might actually have lost her little puddle of freedom after all.

Sam McTrusty - Just Breathe (Pearl Jam Cover)
Click for link

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Just Call Me Jack

Since the night of no sleep, two more have followed, one of a similar ilk and another that consisted of slamming doors, loud music and screaming voices.  I toyed with calling the police but then figured: 
A) It was more hassle that it's worth 
B) It shouldn't be left to me 
C) An opportunity would arise and karma would prevail.

The thing is bloggers... Sometimes karma needs a helping hand.

I spent this morning knocking on a few business doors, and no sooner stepped foot into my apartment to start prep for tomorrows presentation/final interview, than I heard a lot of commotion upstairs.  Shortly after two pretty strapping and yet ned-like men left the apartment above, walked down the stairwell, and appeared in the back garden  (I say garden, but really it consists of one tree and concrete slabs).  Being a girl who embraces the fresh air and always has her windows open of a day, I then caught a snippet of their conversation.

Guy 1:  People are going to go fuckin' mental when they see the mess
Guy 2:  Whatever man, they can suck it. 
Guy 1:  Hahaha
Guy 2:  We already pissed everyone off.  Who cares
Guy 1:  Yeah, mental man

A glance out the window and it became clear that our garden was about to be utilised in the revamp/fitting of what appeared to be kitchen units.  Circular saw, paint, stripper, tool box, and a cool box full of beer.  A reasonably large pile of old and broken household objects/furniture had also appeared thrown into a heap. Wonderful!

I needed to go back down to my car and so psyched myself up for an encounter and stepped out the door.  The thing is bloggers... When I got downstairs I was presented with a magic bean.

The door to the garden had only been left ajar, and with 3 bolt locks on the inside and no other way to gain direct access back into the building... Well. Within seconds the door had silently been closed and the three bolts secured. The two plonkers in the back were too busy conversing in profanities to even notice.

I headed straight back upstairs and am currently sitting smug as it appears they have turned on each other: 
A) For not latching the door open (as anyone who goes outside knows to do)  
B) For not bringing their mobile phones out 
C) Arguing over who is going to have to jump fence after garden fence in the hopes of hitting a communal garden that doesn't have secured access.

I know it was childish.  At the same time... It would have been rude not to. Shame it isn't set to rain, I've a feeling they may be out there for some time.

Sleigh Bells - Bitter Rivals

Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Lost Boys

A few of you have sent emails asking about a few of the guys in my past and any further twists in events.  

To be honest dating has been the last thing on my mind the last few months, but I think a little fun might be just what the Dr ordered and so I might dust off my little black dress *ahem converse, this weekend.  Until then however... Here you go:

Mr X
We are still no longer in touch although I still talk with his sister regularly (Evanescence - as she looks like Amy Lee). About a month ago she mentioned he and his fiancĂ©e had abandoned their wedding plans, had jumped a plane from the UAE to Scotland, got married and flew back the next day. Needless to say his family was a little upset and it seems to have segmented their concerns/apprehension about his choice in a partner which I suspect will only cause problems in the future. I on the other hand, don't feel anything.  I am glad that Evanescence let me know, but Mr X is chapter in my book I am more than happy to close.

Beez is a tricky one.  I don't think the guy will ever fully be on or off my radar, nor I his.  However, he is definitely a refreshing break from the norm in terms of guys who have a gf and spin the whole 'We're together but its just not working... It's going to end soon' thing.  The chemistry was/is still there, but the line remained firmly intact.  It seems Beez and I are destined to continue our sporadically intertwined lives as has always been, and yet, as before, friendship prevails.

I heard from cherry a couple of months ago, he text to ask how I was doing, to see if I was dating anyone, and for a general chat.  I didn't bite.  I told him I was doing well, didn't answer any of his questions and left it saying I hoped he was doing good.  We weren't friends before our brief fling and so I have no wishes to become friends after.  Equally, I have no intentions of going in for a repeat performance so his query surrounding my dating life... Deflected.

Hazy ground is still below my feet as far as OOJ is concerned, as could always be expected when you date someone from your youth who you will always have ties to. We check in from time to time and 99% of the time its great to hear from him.  The other 1% when there is the tone of 'what if' tends to be something I brush off.  He still has a gf, they are still living together, they are for all intents and purposes long-term and so no; I won't be entertaining any what-if's. Regardless of her however, that ship has most definitely sailed.

After dropping the 'I fell in love with you when we were fb's' bomb things are surprisingly normal.  The occasional text or soundbyte is exchanged and despite his tendency to migrate the conversation towards 'when am I going to see you', I've yet to agree to meet.

As for all the others... They aren't really worth mentioning. I'm sure there will be plenty more nicknames to come ;P

Third Eye Blind - Deep Inside Of You

Monday 24 March 2014

Inner Wolf

Those of you who have been reading this blog a long while will know, I'm a girl who tends to migrate to one of 'the' postcodes when I make like Mary Poppins and move apartment and/or city.  I equally tend to look for old buildings with high ceilings, wooden flooring and lots of light - a check list that more often than not sees me somewhere that can only be described as 'having character' and yet, despite this, within a few hours I always manage to transform any space into home.  A safe haven.

As with any list of demands however there is almost always a trade-off, and like many of 20/30-something population, this trade is often the unknown quantity that are 'the neighbours'.

You see, unlike housing developments, over the years I have learnt that unless you are living in a block of students where it is practically considered rude if you don't gatecrash parties, get on first name terms and more often than not trade in household items ('Do you have any laundry detergent I could have? I can give you some tea bags');  sharing an apartment complex is the polar opposite.  A good appartment neighbour is an unknown neighbour. Someone you don't socialise with, get to know, and most importantly, whose life in no way shape or form affects your own.  Don't get me wrong, with the postcode theme I tend to live in very happening areas, and so regardless of my plans of a weekend, I tend to factor in an awareness that I will be gaining my evenings audio entertainment at the pleasure of someone else's set-list. A trade which unless I'm feeling unwell (in which case I'm like a sour faced trout muttering grouchy phrases from under the duvet), I am more than happy to make.

Over the years I've had my fair mix of neighbours from old and frail (I used to do the weekly shopping for one of the golden oldies), to party-maniacs; and like most, have learnt to roll with the punches with a few exceptions.  My current apartment sees me with only one neighbour to the side (a bit of a bonus), and appartments both above and below.  Those to the side seem to be in a band and tend to practice a couple of evenings a week for a few hours. It is pretty noisy but is never crazy late and nor does it drag out.  The guys below me seem to rock dolby speakers and action movies a lot of the time but again, come 10ish on a weekday, not a squeak.  There's even an operatic wannabe somewhere in the block who has the lungs of a whale and likes to fire a few arias out before work but again I embrace it.  My upstairs neighbours however... They are of a whole other ilk entirely.

Other than the fact they are men, I have absolutely no idea who lives upstairs from me other than the fact they enjoy incredibly loud sex at regimented times.  I could practically set my clock to them. Saturday morning 4am, Sunday morning 7am, and Tuesday night at 11pm.  It begins with a groan and is one of the most painful experiences I regularly have to endure.  I know what you're thinking 'screaming woman' right?... Wrong!  The entire bizzare performance sees a man grunt and groan with slow and drawn out clockwork timing for hours. A process that has seen many a passive aggressive note posted on the communal entry door in varying penmanship - I suspect from any other angle than my own the location of the boar like squeals would be hard to pin point. Accompany that horror with the fact they stomp about like giants, talk like foghorns and have the musical repertoire of a car alarm, and you can probably guess they have never been at the top of my Christmas card list.  I have however never felt the need to take out my inner wolf and walk up the stairs to knock on their door... Until now.

Cue a perfect example of a time when you need to be dating or living with a buff guy.

Last night (Sunday) around 9pm a sound that I can only assume is attributed to some kind of industrial floor sander with accompanying hoovering and hammering commenced.  I can't lie... I was instantly annoyed.  Who starts building work at 9pm on a Sunday?  Anyway tick forward another 2 hours and it was showing no signs of letting up and so after much deliberation and a LOT of deep breaths I decided to throw a hoodie on over my pjs, walk up the stairs and knock.  When I got to their door the sound was insanely loud - why hadn't their next door neighbours complained?  No sooner had I rapped three times the hammering and sanding stopped, but there was no answer.  I assumed they too were apprehensive about who was going to be on the other side of the door but regardless had taken the hint.  I headed back to my apartment feeling pleased with myself... it didn't last long.  

By 11:30 Ser3ndipity had left the building and my inner wolf had erupted.  Whatever they were doing they could be under no false assumptions about how crazy loud it was.  They themselves must have been wearing headphones - surely?  I threw my hoodie back on and walked back up the stairs, knocking on their door with firm fury.  Again the noise instantly stopped, and again no answer.  I knocked again, this time hearing the hushed words of other neighbours as they had opened their inner doors and were standing behind their outer storm doors waiting to hear what was going to happen.  It appears the noise was bothering everyone, but only this little chick was brave enough to try and make it stop.  I knocked one last time.  Nothing.  I was absolutely fizzing, a volcano ready to erupt.  I opened the letter box and spouted a sentance of sheer venom 'keep up this nonsense assholes and the next people to grace your front door will be the police'.  I walked slowly back to my apartment (I figured by this point I needed to give off as much kick-ass as possible as being a single female and taking on a flat of prick-like men isn't really high on my to-do list), the noise started up again in what I can only assume now was a small act of defiance before stopping a couple of minutes later.

I really hope that tonight doesn't bring round two, but I suspect it might.  I'm all for standing my ground, but why the chick who lives by herself has to be the one to knock on the scary door when there were at least other apartments housing other clearly annoyed neighbours, I will never know.

Ki: Theory - Stand By Me

Friday 21 March 2014


I've noticed that due to my current life situation as well as there being many people who are keen to offer the 'oh so regurgitated words of motivation' it has also opened the doors to a lot of judgement.

I hold no amusement in my current situation, nor comfort, and I wince every time there is a requirement to utter the words 'currently looking' or 'not at the moment' when someone inquires about my status; but what I refuse to do bloggers, is shy away from it.  

No, my life isn't on track and yes, I am in a crap situation, but it won't last. Never have I been the type of girl to sit on my ass and expect a solution to be served to me on a golden platter (although that would be nice), and in that same respect no, I don't spend my days engrossed in daytime television, nor do I lounge on the sofa watching movies.  Yes, I am out of permanent employment, but to make ends meet and maintain the balance of all of my 'plates', I have never worked so damn hard in all my life.

So the scathing eyes currently sat in glass houses, locked onto me as a target to scoff at had better keep focused, because I assure you, once I find a foothold (and I WILL find a foothold), I'm going to be like greased frickin' lightening.  You can slice, dice and serve it any which way you like but the race is long, and I never finish last.

I'm smart, ambitious, driven, adaptable and more importantly resilient which makes me my friend, one step ahead of the game regardless of where I am sat on the board.  I'm the wild card.  The girl that if you underestimate, will sneak up on you and whip the rug right from under your feet.  Oh, and if you think once you notice you will catch me... Think again.

So what exactly I have been doing with my time?  Well obviously applying for jobs, registering with agencies, building profiles, networking, making calls, chasing applications, researching, prepping presentations, corresponding and attending interviews.  Oh, and that's before lunch.  Oh and did I mention that I've walked in cold to some of the leading organisations in the city I live with a tray of coffee and cake just to glean 10mins of time with Mr/Miss hire/fire?

I get up at 7am each day, and I go to bed in the early hours of the morning.  I give myself two hours each day to do something that makes me happy and keeps me sane, be that talking to a friend, going for coffee, listening to music, writing this blog.  Other than that, I'm on the hunt, i'm number crunching, penny stretching and generating an income that allows me to keep the balances in black; both mine, and my mums (a truth that scathing eyes don't know... I'm single and childless but if you think I don't have a dependent, think again).  So the rest of my time?

  • Servicing cars:  Something I had done only once prior to my current situation but now a source of income, all be it limited.  Armed with the internet and on occasion YouTube for the bargain price of £120 (approx £90 cheaper than kwik-fit), this chick will undertake the following on your car, from the street outside my apartment: Oil & filter change, washer/break/clutch fluid top-up, air filter & spark plug change.  
  • Upcycling:  I hit the local salvation army every Saturday morning to see if
    there are any bargain items of furniture that lend themselves to my creative eye.  Thus far I have revamped and sold several dressers, a high chair and three bedside tables.
  • Essay Writing:  I live in a city with several Universities and colleges and with experience/knowledge in business, marketing, nursing, sociology and English literature; for a grade-based fee I fire out a myriad of assignments/reports each week plagiarism free (of course).
  • Curriculum Vitae:  It is dog eat dog out there at the moment (and don't I know it), so despite my current predicament, over the years this small-time business has never failed to pull out extraordinary results.  Dependent on your skill-set and employment aims, this little chick will make your resume zazzle, and regardless of the competition after I work a little magic, the interviews come flying in.  Something I started many moons ago operating these days solely on word-of-mouth from satisfied customers and the referral from two leading recruitment agency contacts. Hello method #4 for keeping my head above water.
  • Kindle Published:  Relatively new in terms of an income generator (and who knows how well I will do), but in less than 48hrs Ser3ndipity will have no less than 4 works published on Amazon Kindle for purchase/subscription.  I can't imagine the earnings here will be enough to set my world on fire, but every little helps.
Oh, and just to ensure the sock is firmly wedged in any scowling mouths, I've also become the queen of living on a budget.

  • Car:  I buy my petrol at night, when it is cold.  Petrol tanks calibrate based on volume and as petrol expands in the cold - bazinga.  Equally petrol can be cheaper to purchase in the smaller hours at service stations.  This doesn't save big bucks, but hey as I keep saying... 
  • Repairs: In the last few months I've replaced the wheel bearings on one of the rear wheels of my car (best quote £165), fixed a small electrical fault with my hazard lights (best quote £30), and have completely removed, fixed, sealed and replaced my sunroof (best quote £185) and in doing so have reduced the cost from £380 to £67, a few cuts and bruises and a bit of elbow grease.
  • Hair:  As you know, I am constantly changing my hairstyle/colour and this wasn't something that was about to change.  So again, with the assistance of YouTube and the purchase of a couple of tools, I've learnt to trim, cut and have recently restyled my entire hair all with nothing more than a mirror.  I know what you are thinking:   'probably not dramatically', 'it must have been a trim', 'it must look awful', 'cheap'... Wrong!  My most recent revamp has seen me go from exceptionally long feathered hair which was coloured dark brown with deep red flares to medium length caramel/chestnut hair with dip dyed blonde ends, choppy layers and a fringe and. I've also been asked several times where I had it done.
So. To all/any who have tasted disdain for this little chick of late, I doubt many would have shown as much creativity and grit while still finding a way to paint a smile on your face, and until you can prove otherwise... Put a sock in it!

Bon Jovi - Have A Nice Day

Thursday 20 March 2014


I've had quite a few new followers of the blog since picking things up again and i'm keen to keep up the momento; so I thought I would have a look at some of the keywords that people google when then stumble upon the page... It made for an interesting read.  

One I felt you might enjoy and soooo for your viewing pleasure here are the top 30 (in alphabetical order no less)

Does penis size matter?
Domestic abuse
Domestic violence
Fetish women
Girls saying fuck you
Girl moaning
Hot sex
Hot steamy sex
How to measure penile length accurately
I am not perfect but I am always me
I’m single but not available
Kiss on bike
Long but skinny cock
Penis ruler
Power sex
Penis size matters
Sex Power
Sex tips
Snowing girl
Tape measure
Turning 30
Walking away
What’s your number
Winter nights

I have to say, it is pretty eye opening.  I'm not if sure it says more me and about the content of my blogs, than it does about you my blog readers.  I more than amused that the average blog hunter is likely to find me if searching for some kind of brunette 30yr old, cold weather loving sex addict/guru with insomnia and an in-depth knowledge of the male member.  I'm pretty certain however that my blog, however cheeky in parts, has a little more to say; at least I hope so!  I know a few of you also run your own blogs so I'd be interested to hear your top keyword hits if you are game to post them.

Moving forward I feel it is only appropriate that I continue to build upon this momentous list and so invite you to also post in the comments below a keyword or key phrase and in the coming weeks I will be sure to write an entry relating to them.  I have a feeling this could bring some amusement our way.

Has to be a short one today I'm afraid as the wicked world of the job hunt is calling.  Get your comments, suggestions posted and help this lil 21st century chick push the viewings by following and sharing.  The blog is on twitter and facebook I'll have you know :p

The Pretenders - Don't Get Me Wrong

Tuesday 18 March 2014

The Young Girl Inside

So a little bit of a break from the norm today as it has been a bit of an unusual one so here goes...

This morning brought a new day, sunshine through the window, the sound from a particular type of bird that I haven't heard since living in the countryside beside the beach of my home town, and the completion of another full circle.

A friend of mine lost his mum yesterday.  You know how I like to give pseudonyms so lets go with Commadore.  Commadore is someone I've known since I was four, yes four!  We used to tustle over lego pieces when we were at nursery, traded games for our 'oh so advanced' commadore64 consoles (you see how I concocted his name lol), and I was recently informed (after we got back in touch a year or so ago having not spoken since I relocated when I was 10), that he may have been the recipient of my first ever love letter.  I had apparently declared him 'wonderful' in a note I had stealthy slipped into one of the tape boxes for a game I had lent him.  If only declarations of love were as simple in the world of the grown-up.

Commadore had been struggling in the run up to his mums death as she hadn't wanted to know how long she had left when the doctors had told them there was nothing more they could do.  They had hoped it was months Commadore is due to marry his long-term fiancĂ© in May but he wasn't so certain that she would and in the last few weeks because of events of days long gone, he has turned to me as a support mechanism to help him through and now she has passed, even more so.

Apparently years ago when my dad has his stroke and I was amid a myriad of abuse about having such an old parent from kids who clearly weren't raised to know any better  Unbeknownst to me, Commadore had spent his time watching and trying to understand how I had put one foot in front of the other when knock after knock came.  Don't get me wrong, not once did Commadore stand up for me or hold my hand as the older kids called me names, stole any belongings worth having while destroying the rest.  Never did he step in and help as the rougher girls in our year cornered me to give abuse both verbal an physical; he was too scared.  Yet despite this, it appears he absorbed it all and somehow after all these years things have come full circle, at a time when he is hurting more than he thought the world could.  For some reason it is those thoughts of the young girl who never bowed her head, never stayed down, and always stood her ground, that appear to be at the forefront of his head. 

It is weird to think that the actions you take at any given point in your life can in a bizzare way influence other people years down the line, especially those as an adolescent.  It was definitely unusual for me to hear why despite his friends, family and fiancĂ©, it was my perspective and shoulder he was looking to for supoort.  For reasons and events that I haven't thought about for years.  
I guess it is heart warming in a way, and it definitely is an event that has to see you stop and think.  Does everyone have a distinctive personality within their core that is always there and stand you in good stead, but can equally become covered up and dulled down with everyday life?  I like the idea that someone saw me even back then as a plucky individual, face to the wind, eyes open, head up, but am I still that same person?

Of course I'm going to be there for Commadore, like I would be there for anyone I care for.  I know he has a long road to walk before he will have worked out his particular set of coping mechanisms, and my hand of friendship is held firmly out.  I absolutely know how hard things are for him just now and I wouldn't wish his circumstances on anyone, but I can't help think that the Universe is somehow reaching out and trying to send me a message at the same time.  

People have often told me that that are surprised when I express my lack of confidence or worries as they never seem to see a chink in my armour.  I have always brushed those comments off with an 'its my workplace persona' or a smile while secretly thinking that the person in question doesn't really know me well enough.  The thing is, to make an impression before you hit your teenage years for something like strength of character... surely that can't have been a facade, can it?

So I normally post a link to a YouTube song at the end of my blog, but I got a new follower on my shiny new twitter account this afternoon and after having a peek (as you do), there was a link to Soundcloud and a demo that not only is apt for today's blog but is absolutely beautiful so as I have a few times before, let me introduce another 'one to watch':

Lewis Paul - People

Friday 14 March 2014

Respect The Authority

This morning was a challenge.  I was faced with a barrage of questioning around my current employment status which I would have had less disdain for had the person in the chair opposite mine been A) wearing a clean shirt B) been talking like a normal person instead of mumbling half sentences before forgetting his point and then moving on and more importantly C) had anything of any value whatsoever to offer. 

The struggle with authority for me has always been a troublesome path.  I can't bring myself to respect or give any time to anyone who (and lets use the ABCs again) A) Fails to lead by example B) Is clearly incompetent and seems to spend more time waffling/procrastinating/talking/staring into space/wasting time that doing actual work and last but by no means least C) Fails to demonstrate skill or drive in any form that would therefore deem them worth my attention.  

This morning my bloggers, put me to the test.  I had to count my breaths, watch my facial responses, smile through gritted teeth and count to three before replying to ensure I had allowed sufficient time for my brain to process the need for short sentences and simplified vocabulary.  I. AM. JOB. (I love that scene from Mrs Doubtfire).  And all I could think the entire time I was sat there... 'how the hell did this muppet get a job'?  Somebody give me strength!

Still, its the weekend in a few hours.  Time to dust myself off, head to the library to brush up on a few skills, help my Nephew with his Uni essays (yes... I have a nephew thats in 1st year Uni!! - odd to be closer in age with him than I am my brother), fix yet another problem with my car with the aid of youtube, a forum, and the patience of a nun before prepping for round 2 (*ahem 13?) on Monday morning.

One foot in front of the other, face forward, chin up, deep breaths, smile on my face.  If you weren't reading this... you wouldn't even know.

Dr John - Right Place Wrong Time

Thursday 13 March 2014

Just Ducky

When your life is in turmoil friends are always keen to offer a 'helping hand' regurgitating quotes and offering verbal life anthems.  "Good things happen to good people", "Everything will change soon and then you'll be laughing", "Something amazing is just around the corner"... Let me just grab a pin an pop those verbal bubbles.

Nothing in this world is handed on a plate and nothing worth having comes easily.  These are the lessons of life.  Sure, I mean I'm a fan of encouragement as much as the next person, but when the world is crashing down past your ears and people are muttering well meaning quotes in the background it takes every ounce of self restraint not to twist round and pop said motivater in the face.  POW!  

For those walking against the wind and fighting to keep their mental sanity worldwide I would like to tell you to shove the silver lining, fairytale ending verbal diarrhea up your ass.  ps:  I thanks for meaning well but if you keep this up I will be forced to remove you from all social media and quite possibly my Christmas card list.

However, as with any rule, there has to be a couple of exceptions... Introducing my exceptions:
  • Sucess is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm (Winston Churchill)
  • Tough times never last but tough people do (Robert H Schuller). 
  • Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again (Alex Tan)
The only exception to instantly make me smile...
  • You only need to make it to 34 and then you've beaten Jesus at living (Sarah Millican)
I'm not saying that things are going to get better for me anytime soon, I'm also not saying that I've found a new found superhero zest for life, and I'm certainly not  expecting anything but a large hill and a rocky road ahead.  I can however safely say that I'm officially at the bottom and the thing about the bottom is that there's only one way to go.  

I'm going to keep making like a duck and cranking up the music

Oasis - Cast No Shadow

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Love or Career?

In the past I've always let my heart rule my head.  I've trusted my instincts, followed my gut and have fallen hopelessly and whole heartedly in love... twice.  I've thrown caution to the wind, placed 'us' in front of 'me' and where did it get me... no further forward.

If posed with the question Love or Career now, with the options holding butterflies and what-if's vs. hard work and a path to progression I know which way I would turn.  

I need to take the time to get 'me' in the right place.  To be the chick who jets off to a sandy beach and reads a book on the beach sipping a Mai Thai. The woman who rocks the latest line of workwear and teeters about the place in killer heels while others run home to dirty daipers and tv box sets.

Life has handed me some seriously crappy hands this last while, and a couple of curve balls and I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I've taken them all in my stride.  The point is however, that I'm still here, I'm still standing, and I'm ready and waiting for the next punch.  This time around life is going to be catching some air.

Welcome back bloggers.  The page might be a work in progress at present, but so is life.  I hope you kept those socks rolled up and that spoon handy, because I'm about to hand you one hell of a slice of life.

Welcome to Ser3ndipity 2.0

Kings of Leon - Arizona
Tricks and Tips