Monday 1 November 2010

Pumpkins, Punch & Paramedics

Despite the decorations taking forever and a last minute trip to the hell that was asda a few hours before people started to arrive meaning we had less than 30mins to get ready... the party was a huge sucess!

I was perfectly blue and when hitting the streets for our challenge game, A lot of people commented on how cool I looked.  I'm struggling to get the paint off my skin now however despite 3 showers, a 2hr bath and an entire packet of baby wipes over the last couple of days - all in the name of an epic night tho.

Around 30 people came and went over the course of the night with about 20 people in the flat at any given time which was great.  Walliams and I were given a huge thumbs up for the decorations and the little tweaks we put in place like the syringe shots and the mannequin in the bath with a few people saying it was the best house party they had been to - get in!

Mr X dropped out at the last minute and was super stroppy when I saw him before hand to drop of the kitty cats (tell you about it later).  Duplo came which was great and made a bee line for me, we chatted for a while but ever the hostess I worked the room like a butterfly for the first few hours as people were arriving rather than being dragged into a 1 on 1 situ.  I had hoped to talk to him more later, however when we all headed out in teams to do the challenges he ducked out saying he wasn't up for it.  Verdict - if he wasn't up for 30mins of halloween nonsense then he wasn't the guy for me.

My camera was used by all and we ended up with around 150 pretty fantastic photos some of which are now gracing my facebook page. 

We had one person who without going into details was a fanny and we ended up calling an ambulance as it seemed the only sure fire way of getting her out the house so the party could commence as she was refusing to walk, wouldn't get a taxi and her parents wouldn't pick her up (how shitty are those parents?)

All in all the night was a great one... maybe I should look into events planning after Uni?

Black Eyed Peas - I gotta Feelin

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