Wednesday 10 November 2010

Speed Dating Night

Hey bloggers,

Thanks for all the comments and messages the last little while.  I'm feeling a little better now and as tonight is 'speed dating night' I thought it would be a good time to pick up the blog again.

To be honest, I'm not really in the mood to speed date this evening... my head is pounding, I've pretty much lived in my flat this last week and as for looking good... I'm going to give myself a 3/10 tops!  And that's only because I know eyeliner can work wonders.  Yes, I can safely say I am not looking forward to speed dating tonight at all.

Red and Six seem to be hyped for it, and if they had met each other before I'd probably jump ship and let them get on with it; as they haven't, I'm currently psyching myself up.

You see, meeting new people always makes me nervous, but I'm pretty good at just going with it, safe in the knowledge that I can paint on my 'witty and charming' face and get away with it - the problem this time is that I'm feeling about as witty as a paper bag.  My head is pounding, I'm going to have to spend at least an hour on my face alone as it is currently going through a stint of 'screw you sick girl acne', I missed my hair appointment on Monday as I was too unwell and so have white hairs peeking out my head and on top of it all... the event is at a cocktail bar!  Yes that's right... No regular Serendipity clothes for me, no, I have to dress up which when you are feeling like a wet kipper is not too much fun!

I have to go though, I can't let the girles down... but mannnn I wish I could.

Chances of me cancelling   10 to 1
Chances of me necking wine while getting ready  2 to 1
Likelihood of me turning up drunk  25 to 1
Likelihood of me even remotely being attracted to a guy at this event  80 to 1
And this week:
Likelihood of anyone finding me (aka the train wreck) datable  100 to 1

Because it never fails to cheer me up!
Deep Blue Something - Breakfast at Tiffany's

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