Friday 12 November 2010

Matches & Voting Day

Last night was a giggle for me watching the matches come through, Red seemed to be lapping up the vertual attention and giggling along the way, but it was Six who seemed to be struggling with it all, feeling somehow under pressure to get lots of 'yes' votes. 

I think here is the downside to speed dating.  I have never needed a boyfriend or a man in my life to make me feel significant and so if i'm not particularly attracted to anyone there then no-one being attracted to me isn't upsetting but rather makes sense.  It became apparent that Red and Six are clearly the other type.

Anyway here's how it went down.  Only 7 of the 12 guys have put in votes which means the other 5 were probably unimpressed with anyone to warrent putting in the info - I don't really see the point in that tbh but there you have it.
  • Red was ticked by numbers: 2, 4, 5 and 7 (4 and 7 much to our amusement), none of which she was attracted to.
  • Six was ticked by numbers: 1 and then later that afternoon when he changed his vote from a no to a yes, number 4 (again amusing), none of which she has chosen.
  • I was ticked by numbers: 1 and 2.  Number 2 I had ticked so the website swapped our details - I'm not going to be chasing it up.
I'm not sure how sucessful I would rate speed dating, I mean it is a way of meeting a lot of people in a short space of time, but for it to be sucessful for me, I think I would need to either change my taste in men or find some kind of niche dating event.  I do however think that speed dating may be the perfect thing for Red, and both she and Six seem keen to go again.


So it is nearing the end of our time together, a few of you have emailed me etc to say you are sad it is going to end etc. and I don't think I have come as far in this year as I had wanted to so this is what i'm thinking.

I'm going to put a vote on the left hand side and let you guys decide if I should extend my blog... keep it going until the day after my 30th birthday (so another year and a couple of months), or whether I should just end this as planned on 31st December this year.

Also, I want to try and boost the followers to this blog for the rest of its time.  I have between 40 - 60 hits on the site per day and want to get this to like 70 - 80.  I'm going to put a link to it in a few places but if you can think of anywhere let me know, or post it yourself, pass to friends etc.

Over and Out x

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