Sunday 14 November 2010

Going the Distance

I just watched the movie going the distance, it was great and watching it I could see the kind of relationship/boyfriend I want. 

Films shouldn't be able to make things all happy ending and simple and easy and nice guys/girls don't finish last.  It makes people like me all hopeful and mushy wishing on a star like.  Other films for me guilty of the same sin:  PS I love you, The Holiday, Just Like Heaven, Sleepless in Seattle, Twilight and for some reason Juno. 

Too much to ask to find a guy who doesn't sweep me off my feet and make massive romantic gestures but rather someone who I click with, who makes me laugh, who is honest, caring and most of all, likes me for me?  Impossible I think.

People always keep harping on about 'when you aren't looking someone will come along and knock you off your feet' and you know what, I'm not convinced.  At this moment in time not only am I not looking, I have almost lost faith in the entire male species altogether and whats that I see.... that's right there is no prince charming riding towards me on his white horse and nor is there some 6ft brown haired hot guy blown away by me and asking for my number so he can take me out on a date.

I hold you responsible for this Hollywood - do you hear me!

PS: Keep voting if you want me to keep the blog going or not on the left hand side... with over 50+ hits a day at the moment and only 5 votes, its poor show bloggers!
Bruno Mars - Just the way you are

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