Thursday 11 November 2010

The Results

After some deliberation last night I fixed my hair, painted on my face, dug out a pair of heels and checked in for speed dating 101.

Six, Red and I were extremely uncertain when we arrived at the event but figured we were there so we would stay.  The night consisted of twelve 4min dates with a break after date number six.  We were handed a name badge, number and score sheet on arrival and each girl was seated at a numbered table, while the men moved from seat to seat as the night went on.  It was intimidating, scary, funny and eye opening.  Six and Red loved it and want us to book for an event on the 30th with a better age range saying this one was 'a trial run'. 

So here's the list of the dates:
  1. Malaysian/American semi-pro tennis playing investment banker.  Nice guy, a pleasant speed date but too short and too thin physically.
  2. Liverpudlian 6ft 5ish sales rep, prominent jaw, super white teeth and although still masculine, suspiciously plucked/waxed eyebrows.  We spoke about learning guitar which was unusual but nice. 
  3. Short fair haired Investment banker, seemed completely out of his element, polite, boring and unoffensive chat.
  4. Local, Short, super white veneered teeth distributor with a super flashy bling ring. One of the older people there.  Jack the lad chat.
  5. Software consultant, lots of facial hair, exceptionally polite, nice to talk to and had a look of 'please let me meet 'the one'' in his eye.
  6. Persian biological geneticist, over 6ft, older, pleasant chat, intense eye contact.
  7. Mr 'I'm only here because my flatmate came a week ago and had a great time'.  No chat.  Longest 4mins of my life!
  8. Young and balding, funny teacher who yearns for the quiet life.
  9. Short super excited to be here and talking to women teacher.  Witty and charismatic if slightly unhinged.
  10. Older, shaved head, well groomed teacher.  Intelligent and witty chat, designer clothes.
  11. Short, attractive, preppy Investment banker.  Great conversation about music, likes gigs and recommended a band I should check out.
  12. Middle aged(ish) school teacher, exceptionally drunk on red wine.  Red teeth, lips and face.  Drunken chat.
So as you can see a pretty mixed bag and no ideal man.  We girlies submitted our scores this afternoon.  Red was havering over whether to give number 5 a 'yes' but decided against it last minute ticking no-one.  Six ticked numbers 2, 5, 10 and 11.  I decided to tick number 11 as I could see us having a giggle if we met up despite him being too short for me to want to date, and number 2 because he is tall, has great teeth and I figured I might as well.

I'll let you know who ticks each of us tomorrow.

We headed to a bar and shortly after Six headed home.  Red and I stayed out until 2am in bars etc as neither of us had work today.  We had a great night, seemed to attract an abnormal amount of male attention.  I met a hot guy who sings in a band, he gave me his number, we chatted some more and then at the end of the night I discovered he was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay younger than I had thought so a crashing halt was called and Red and I headed back to my flat for some munch before calling her a taxi.

All in all an ok night.

Played this song to get me in the mood for heading out.
Four Year Strong - Semi Charmed Life

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