Thursday 18 November 2010

Something for the weekend

Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote: 'You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it out or perish'.

I've been getting my crap together this last few days, no crazy trip anywhere or mini adventure planned as yet but I haven't ruled it out. 

Plans for this weekend:
I can't remember if I came up with a name for him (i'll need to go back and look), but a friend from way back when that I caught up with when I went back to my high-school town over the summer is heading to his folks place for a holiday and is stopping by tomorrow for the day/night for a catch up.  I think I've mentioned this before but his marriage recently broke up and I think he has a thing for me so i'm hoping he isn't on a different wave length to me.

Mr X has asked if I want to hang out on Saturday so once my high school friend has left we are going to head out for the afternoon/night.  We caught up a few days ago and realised how much we have lost touch (which could be argued is a good thing but i'm eternally torn), so this is us making the effort.  I don't want to be with him because we would destroy each other and too much has passed but I think a part of me will always love Mr X.

Herb is staying over on Sunday as a friend from Uni is having her hen night in town this weekend, I think it will be a quiet one, but when Herb and I get together you never know.

The Rest:
I love this time of year.  I always think early set dusk, clear crisp night skies and the smell of winter in the air is romantic.  I always wished growing up that our house had been in the suburbs so I could be walked home by a date and kissed on the doorstep.  Don't get me wrong, I was a regular UK teenager so 'dates' at least in the American sense never really happened.... but a girl always secretly hopes.

I have to share:
Its 11pm at night and the tossers that live next door to me are having some kind of party... they are total waste of space 'big men' aka. weedy little drug taking, greacy haired, incapable of pronouncing words fully, footballer/white ghetto drug dealer wannabies.  And what kind of music do they play when they are blasting it out mid week... The scissor sisters and Eminem... Yes, I live beside seriously low class of scum and that says a lot considering this blogger is from a rough council estate where being able to do your 5 times table at the age of 16 is considered an achievement.

I haven't been sleeping too well lately so I'm hoping they don't help to keep me up tonight. Anyway, i'm off for a candlelit, relaxing (hopefully) bubble bath.  Night bloggers

Adele - Make you feel my love

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