Friday 29 October 2010

Party Lifestyle

I headed to pub quiz on Wednesday and ended up not making it to bed until 4am, then yesterday it was 'fancy dress' day at work so I fired on some facepaint and headed in as a zombie roller derby girl and went for dinner with Six after my 9hr shift.  Today... I'm feeling it!  (just found out that Walliams managed to cram an entire bottle of vodka into the 3 drinks we had on Wed night... that probably accounts for a lot!).

It's the last day of calm before the storm and there's heaps to do.  Having people round for drinks or dinner is one thing, getting people over to your house at the weekend another, but hosting a halloween party where you ask people to come dressed up... the effort required to turn that into a sucess and not just a regular house party - huge!

De Longue told me I looked cute yesterday, he is soooooo yummy!  Shame he is now dating his friend.  Mr X has been in touch a lot to chat, see if I want a lift home from work when it is throwing down, he even text to see if I was going to pub quiz and if he could come yesterday - oh and no, I didn't take any of the lifts. 

I need caffine, a week of sleep in a day, an increased bank balance and hmmm a knock me off my feet, butterflies in my tummy kiss.  Yep, think its time to get back on the dating wagon, and as the party on Sat will hold host to a load of guys i've never met and speed dating is just around the corner... The timing couldn't be better.

I miss roller derby!

Teenage Bottlerocket - Skate or Die

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