Wednesday 6 October 2010


Tea... the cure to all ailments.  Where I grew up it didn't matter what had happened, a cup of tea was the remedy.  The worse the scenario, the more sugar in the tea. 
  • Lost your job? - Tea with 1 sugar
  • Lost your job because your boss walked in on you sleeping with his wife - Tea with 2 sugars
  • Lost your job because your boss walked in on you sleeping with his wife who is now pregnant - Tea with 3 sugars... and so on
I have been drinking a lot of tea lately!  Sugar free though - I like to keep my calories for more important things... like a cheeky chocolate hobnob with the tea.

There are some really bizzare truths (if that is what you can call them) out there:
  • Tea with sugar is the enforced drink of choice when someone has had a shock or a scare. 
  • The cool kids always sit at the back of the school bus, the coolest of them in the middle seat looking down the aisle.
  • If someone asks you the time one or both of you will always look at your wrist.
  • When playing a racing game a high percentage of people will lean the way they want the car to turn.
  • If faced with the tape from the film the ring - I reccon most people would watch it, despite knowing in a few days/hours they will be killed by scary hair over her face lady.  At least, I know I would.
I guess that is why you guys tune in and read this... Its like opening the page to someones diary, you get an insight into the cogs and wheels that make them tick.

I have a work function tonight, something I usually avoid, however this one is for charity and I have been coersed into attending so I need to dig out a costume.  The theme is 'school disco' so I need to get creative.  I have to find something that is fast to change into, is sexy but not slutty (as both my superiors and inferiors will be present) and is effort enough that I don't look like a spoil sport.  I'm thinking maybe a st trinian...?

As for hot guys and potential dates at the event... I'll let you know.

Oh and before I forget <<<<<<<<<<< over that side of the blog there is a wee voting thing as i'm just a lil bit curious who is reading, especially as i've had over 600 hits this week.

Alanis Morissette - You Learn

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