Friday 1 October 2010

Baking & Bisexuals

Six popped over with her friend from the states last night, I'd just made a lasagne when she rang me to see if I wanted to go out (one of my less fancy but highly tasty dishes, even if I do say so myself), so I invited them both over.

Six as you know had surgery on her stomach and her friend (lets call her Broom) had a lap-band fitted several years ago - possibly 2 of the worst dinner guests ever!  So it was micro portions for them and hello plate of tasty food for me!  I did however whip up some banana muffin mix in the 10mins before they came over so we could have teeny tiny muffins (baby cases) with choc dipping sauce for dessert - oh yes I had my Delia head on,

Broom was really nice but made me realise exactly where I don't want to be in several years time - messed up, lonely, desperate and somehow lost in it all.

Broom is 35, had a failed long term relationship  which ended around a year ago (very gory details surrounding why it ended, but I won't give you them) which seemed to have knocked her off kilter, although rather than sort herself out and make a few changes for the better (her life doesn't seem that sorted etc.) she started looking for love again and met someone online through facebook in a very obscure way.  Anyway, Broom, like Six is from the States and the guy she met comes from... the city I currently live in.  They talked for hours online, swapping photos doing webcam and agreed she would visit at the end of July.  Things were brought to a crashing halt shortly after they made plans as Broom's shitty job and shitty boss wouldn't allow her to take annual leave until September.  When Broom told Mr X - he stopped replying.  Now I would imagine that this would be enough to throw in the towel and focus on other things but no, Broom got on a plane a week ago, flew to the city to stay with Six (whom she hasn't seen in over 10yrs), and text Mr X on arrival to see if they could pick things up again... no surprises that she has heard nothing from him.  Six, does seem to have worked her magic however and Broom seems to be enjoying her holiday none the less and is definately on the prowl for a holiday romance.

I feel really sorry for Broom as she seems like a genuinely nice, outgoing and charasmatic girl so its surprising to see where she has ended up but has motivated me none the less to up the anti a little at this end.

Upping the anti does not however mean succumbing to what I think were advances from Broom as she not so subtily dropped into conversation that she likes guys/girls and then orchastrated that I sit beside her several times during the night.  Not that she isn't an attractive girl but she isn't my type and lets face it... with my track record, a tad too old also.

Rachael Yamagata - Worn Me Down

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