Friday 15 October 2010


I've taken a couple of days off work to sort my head out.  Luckily stomach flu is going about at the moment and as I haven't been off sick for over 18mths no-one questioned anything.

I've submerged myself in some serious R&R time, I've looked at old photos from years gone, I've made myself cosy on the couch with big mugs of tea/coffee. I've had snacks and last night even had nacho's for my dinner - yep, serious me time!  I debated chowing down on happy pills again, but decided I would only get annoyed at myself for it in the long run, I mean, I get why tablets like that are there, and yeah they can really help some people, but at the end of the day... only you can sort yourself out and pull your head straight and i'm not sure a chemical aid helps to work out why you are in a sticky rut in the first place.

I've decided to look for a new job, something more challenging where i'm not going to be micro managed by people who couldn't organise their way out of a paper bag.  Yep time for a change somewhat bigger than my hairstyle.

The Rest
I kinda skimmed over the events of the weekend but paintball with my nephews was great fun.  We managed to convince my mum (a pensioner) to come in and have a game with us and she enjoyed it so much she played 6 of the 8hr day which was great.  It was good to get away.

I've a friend from years ago who I bumped into when I headed back home in August for the school meet-up thing who has since then been in touch quite a lot.  He was married when I met him and since then it seems he and his wife have decided to divorce and they are both going to start a fresh at different sides of the country.  I mention this because I have somehow become his number one person to text.  Don't get me wrong he is a nice guy, we had fun when we met up and i'd deffo be up for grabbing a beer a little more often with him, but the plan had been for that to be me, him and his wife and I somehow get the impression that he is hoping for something more.  Its obviously a confusing time for him at the moment and I don't want to be caught in the middle of anything - especially what appears to be an amicable divorce of two people who got married too young and have grown apart.  Do I attract them, or do I attract them?

Mr X has been away with work this past week and has text every day to say hi or to check in which I have found quite unusual.  He got back into town last night and let me know what time etc.  I have a funny feeling things between him and I are about to take another turn although I'm not quite sure how as I am pretty much keeping myself to myself as far as he is concerned these days.

Red and I are meeting tomorrow night and I'm catching up with Avril on Sunday so I'm sure the next few blogs will be back on track with drama and drunken outings.

Sister Hazel - Your Winter

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