Saturday 16 October 2010

Ready, Steady, Go

Today has been one of those super productive days that somehow make everything start to gel together again.  I've also realised that when things get really hard and i'm trying to pull my shit together I somehow end up throwing a crap load of things out and rearranging my bedroom (the only room in the flat that is mine alone).

Anyway I went over paperwork and ruthlessly threw out a heap of stuff (again - 2 bin bags full) and then rearranged my bedroom this morning/afternoon moving my desk/study area into the hallway recess upstairs outside my room and the chaise lounge that was out there into my bedroom.  I wasn't sure I would like it but it is great and has created the right amount of space for yesterdays somewhat spur of the moment purchase. 

I weighed up the possibility of heading to the gym to start my membership up again yesterday and when I looked at it... I have no time that isn't already allocated for that I have to go to the gym unless I could find one open late.  Now I live in a big city so you would think that finding a gym open until like 11 - 11:30pm wouldn't be too hard but as it turns out its impossible.  Hence my purchase, a brand new, shiny, treadmill.  I didn't get a second hand one or a crappy one as I figure if it isn't a good one for the job I'll just get annoyed with it and it will never get any use sooooooooo yes £450 on ^^^^^^^ that.

Red came over early evening and we had a chat.  She text Billy after the outing and they met for a few dates, but it appears she is doing all the initiation and he isn't really texting back :s    We did however book (yes book) speed dating, 10th November in a bar (either close or miles away from you), Red, Six and I will be drinking cocktails and making ourselves available for 15 3min dates.  That also, if you are wondering counts as one of my 'new' things for the month. 

So thats exercise - check 1, Exercise - check 1.  Off to a good start I think.

Spencer Davis Group - Keep on Running

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